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2019高爾夫規則的修改/Some rules changed on 2019!~上集

2019高爾夫規則的修改/Some rules changed on 2019!


1. 旗桿不需要拿起來 - 這個規則其實目前開始越來越多球友都不會像以前那樣一定要吧旗桿拿下來才推桿。我也認為有旗桿在似乎也比較容易清楚球的方向。有時候果嶺起伏不見得可以很容易瞄準洞口。所以有旗桿其實會比較容易來推桿。這個規則修改我認為會比較影響大家打球的習慣,也是可以嘗試的另一種方式。

2. OB/出界球不需要原地重打,前面補就好!這個其實也是對大家影響比較大的一條規則。因為有些球場的球洞設計比較變態。或是視覺障礙會影響你打球的發揮。有這條規則就是大家普遍說的前面補拉!因為一直打,一直出界或下水,反而影響打球速度和球友的心情。對打球的球友不見得是好。


3. 找球時間從5分到3分。這是為了加快打球的速度而設。業餘球友打球很多時間其實都是花在等同組球友。而這個等,不外乎就是擊球裝備太長或是球落在一些區塊找不到。所以現在你也沒辦法再慢慢找。3分鐘時間其實很短,基本就是你到落球位置轉兩圈沒有看到球就要補球打了。



2019高爾夫規則的修改/Some rules changed on 2019!~下集

It's going to be ended on 2019, there are some golf rules changed in this year and I pick some important rules changed to share with everyone.

1. Flagstick - You do not need to pull the flagstick on the green to put. In the past, the flagstick needs to be pulled before putting. Even though your ball hit the flagstick, there is no penalty for such situation. It helps golfers move the speed more fast and efficient.

We are able to see more and more golfers to leave the flagstick on the green during the putting, it certainly has no change and impact for your putting but the speed can increase for sure. The new rule focuses on the playing speed and try to attract more people to play golf.

2. Penalty areas - we do not need to go back to original spot to play the shot when the ball is out of bounds. It make average golfers easier to play. Sometimes, golfers keep playing Out of Bounds and from now on we can just go ahead to the penalty area to play the shot with penalty.

It will save time and golfer's struggles for making the right shot in the bad condition. I have seen many golfers who are struggling to make the shot correctly. It won't be good for everyone to suffer such situation and waste people's time for making the right shot. This rule is very helpful for golfers and most of times, we play this rule in the past to save time and avoid golfer to embarrass.

3. Time to search – 3 minutes (NOT 5 minutes). It saves time for sure but on the other hand, you need to prepare more balls without doubt. 3 minutes to search the ball is short and practically if you play expensive balls such as multilayer urethane cover ball, you will find for a while until you give up.

Some rules changed on 2019!~Part II