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Camper Runner sneaker運動鞋!

Camper Runner sneaker運動鞋!

Camper鞋是西班牙的品牌。我有它經典款Pelotas。穿了10多年一樣頭好壯壯,非常耐穿和耐用。有這一個經驗,最近看到它有折扣就買一款新的運動鞋款Runner Sneaker,外型和Pelotas差不多,但特色是輕量化和人工皮革,讓鞋子看起來很有質感。這也是歐洲鞋子和美系鞋子最大不同。它們的質感和配色真的很到位。

有不錯的經驗後就會持續想買它別款鞋來用。這次的Runner Sneaker也是復古版80年代的運動鞋風格。簡單卻在Camper的質感皮革風就變得不同和升級。 加上鞋底的紅色邊讓這鞋子有亮點卻低調。Camper鞋子雖然都是比較復古鞋款,但對於皮革和顏色的運用是真的有獨特之處。所以價格就不是一般鞋子那樣。


實際穿的感覺很不錯,包覆感雖然沒有運動鞋那樣飽滿但有皮革的加持下,就算在低溫的環境穿也非常保暖和舒服。走水泥路或柏油路感覺非常舒服,有類似矽膠那種軟彈的感覺,所以舒適度來說也是到位。我有一雙Adidas Adicross的一樣外型,就沒有這雙舒服。之前穿Adicross覺得已經很舒服但相比Runner後就被比下去。更舒服、更軟的底!



Camper shoe is one of my favorites, I have been wearing its Pelotas for over 10 years and it's still well condition without problem. I really love its durability and leather quality. They use old sneaker design with leather, it certainly changes the way of sneaker feel and style. I love its colorful and leather as European shoes are good on design and color manipulation.

That's why I regular purchase European shoes such as Ecco and Camper to build the personal style. They always deliver unique and special feel and message from the products. This time I purchase runner sneaker model and it looks exact I need with low key style but unique color and material.

The most important feature is the light weight. I barely see the each shoe can weighted the same. Each one is weighted 230g and total 460g. That's good quality control for the product and to me the light weight shoe needs to below 250g. This one is truly light and good weight for wearing. The light weight is good for long time wearing and walking. It would not give your foot too much pressure for walking and standing for hours.

It's not easy to make light weight shoe as you can not sacrifice the comfortable, durability and constructure. If you do not have good technology, experience and material, you are unable to make it light. Since the leather is heavier, using such material means you don't have too much room to save the weight but Camper is done for the challenge.

With my experience of actual wearing, it's good and comfortable to walk on the hard concrete road but not as soft as wearing the sport's sneaker. It's not having too much loading to walk it as the light weight really contributes on practical usage. Wearing during the winter is still warm as good as the leather can maintain the foot warming compare with sport's sneaker.

It's USD150 and more expensive than other sneaker but with leather and colorful, I think it's worth to invest. Although it's sneaker style but certain can deliver special message to all peope. That's Camper's value and quality.




