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Costco Kirkland 4層球出糗了!剖析&觀點/Costco issues refund for Kirkland 4pc ball !~上集

Costco Kirkland 4層球出糗了/Costco issues refund for Kirkland 4pc ball !

最近在美國高爾夫有件事挺火的,就是Costco昨天發出通知,他們的Kirkland 4層球的品質問題,所有購買的人都可以到Costco進行退款。而球並不需要退回!其實這個狀況在上週就在網路有人提出來過。只是這個問題似乎很大,所有有不少球友都把自己狀況發到網路上。所以Costco這週立即反應處理。

Costco的危機處理真的沒話說!零售業裡最寬鬆的退貨機制就是Costco。這樣的狀況可以快速滅火,也是它能站穩零售市場的大腕。再說到這次的問題主角,Kirkland高爾夫球。 2016年Costco推出Kirkland 多層urethane球款後,就火速獲得很多球友的青睞。 當時也被Titleist控告有侵犯其專利。Costco那時回嗆Titleist來吿啊!這官司在2018年雙方和解收場。

Kirkland賣的好是因為它是唯一一款urethan表皮多層設計的球款。這類的產品就算是小品牌或台灣代工的類似產品,也要賣30多美金一打。而Costco的Kirkland賣15.50/1打(它們是兩打一起賣,只在美國Costco賣)。夠殺吧!更別說Titleist Pro V1/V1x要價超過50美金。所以Kirkland算是便宜的urethane球。不是價格友善,而是便宜到脫褲的價格。

而這次什麼問題導致Costco要跳出來危機處理?因為Kirkland 4層urethane球款的表皮不耐打,球皮很容易打破和刮破等狀況。這在做球的我來說是極大的瑕疵。在高爾夫製球有一個大原則和底限;就是球絕對不能破!當然如果打了是千次破,那是正常。不過對於新球就不能如此。



Costco Kirkland 4層球出糗了!剖析&觀點/Costco issues refund for Kirkland 4pc ball!~中集

Costco Kirkland 4層球出糗了!剖析&觀點/Costco issues refund for Kirkland 4pc ball!~下集

Costco issues refund for Kirkland 4pc ball!~Part I

This week Costco has released the notice for refunding the customers who purchase the Kirkland 4 piece urethane ball. The issue is the ball cover got cracked easily. I heard similar news since last week on the web, and this week, Costco issues the refund statement. It's nice troubleshooting from Costco. But it's not the core I am going to address on my article.

Since 2016, Costco released Kirkland multi layer urethane golf balls, this has become hot in golf. Since its low price with high end feature and design of the ball, really drove golfers attention. This year Kirkland issues the new product but the production problem becomes bigger and wider.

The issue of urethane cover is not durable and get cracked easily. It is not just the Korean maker who produces Kirkland balls, other golf ball manufacturers in Taiwan have similar production difficulty and problem. The only difference is Costco is ordering 1 million dozens per year and other makers production capacity may only produce 1/3 of this quantity in comparison.

For the refund and all the costs caused from the golf ball, it will be responsible by the manufacturer. It's typical OEM manufacturing agreement indicated. Costco still has its good public image for maintaining and protecting its customers. But no one knows that the manufacturer is the one who suffers all the costs and damage.

I assume later Taiwan golf ball makers will be busy for Costco's inquiry of multi layer urethane balls. However, the golf ball crosslinking issue is not just Kirkland ball, other Taiwanese makers' balls have similar issue as well. I think they will evaluate its production capacity and solution of golf ball layers' crosslinking first.

I would not consider to take OEM orders, since the quantity is big, profit is low and the agreement is very risky. I would rather to take small and mid size orders with my terms and good profits. I like to make the golf balls like crafts. To maintain the quality, it needs to have enough profits in order to spend the time and focus on the whole production and materials. That's the condition and thing I can ensure for all the balls I sell.

Costco issues refund for Kirkland 4pc ball!~Part II

Costco issues refund for Kirkland 4pc ball!~Part III




