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揮桿教學 - 1 上桿 ~ Hung

Setup Keys



1 To get your legs properly positioned, begin by placing your feet just outside of your shoulders with your toes pointed slightly outward.  Then make sure your knees are relaxed and slightly bend.

 1 腳站與肩同寬,腳掌也自然的向外開一點,注意膝蓋要柔軟也要微曲。


2 It’s crucial for your left arm to hang naturally off the shoulder socket, and a slightly bend right elbow.

 2 要讓你的左手臂自然的從肩膀垂下,再配上右手肘的微彎。


3 The right shoulder should be slightly lower than the left.  Line forms from nose to the pants’ zipper should be slight tilted away from the target. 

 3 右肩應該比左肩還低一點點。從你的鼻子連一條線到褲子的拉鍊,這條線應該傾向 away from the target (目標的反方)。


4 The shaft end of the club should point between middle of the left thigh and the pants’ zipper.

 4 桿身應該指向左大腿的中間到褲子的拉鍊之間。



Perfect Posture



Posture is a necessity in the golf swing.  It controls how well the body can move through out the swing.  Notice how my arm is hang natural off my shoulder with my forward bend at the hip, club shaft pointed towards my belt buckles, legs are flexed and responsive.    This forward bend angle is called the spine angle.  Good golfers maintain this angle through out the swing, especially at impact.  Losing this angle too early in the swing will cause thin, slice and / or over the top move.  Allowing the shaft end to point towards the belt buckles is crucial.  It promotes a proper takeaway and wrist hinge. 


站姿是高爾夫揮桿所必須的。它主掌我們身體是否可以簡易的做出揮桿。我的手臂是從我的肩膀自然的下垂,加上我是由臀部彎下,桿身指向我的皮帶釦高,腳輕鬆但也保持靈敏。 我由臀部向前彎的角度是我們所謂的 Spine Angle (脊椎角度)。 所有的高球好手都會在揮桿時保持住這個角度,尤其在擊球時。失去這個角度的話通常會造成 Thin Shots (打的太薄) Slice (大右曲) 或造成 Over The Top 的動作。 讓握把指向皮帶高度是非常重要的,這會幫助感覺正確的 takeaway (上桿) 和 wrist hinge (曲腕)



The proper takeaway



A proper takeaway is a crucial component of the golf swing.  If you have been to a tournament and its range you would notice all the tour players are working extremely hard on their setup and takeaway because those set the chain reaction for the golf swing.  Without them, it is impossible to make a good golf swing.  After you’ve work on your setup, it will be much easier to learn the takeaway; you will be swinging much like a pro.


一個正確的起桿是好的揮桿的第一步。如果去過職業比賽的練習場,觀察這些選手們的練球,你會注意到所有的選手都非常專注在 Setup (準備動作與站姿) 與 Takeaway (起桿)。不做好這兩樣的話是做不出流暢的揮桿。在好好的練習 Setup之後練 Takeaway (起桿) 會簡單很多;這樣就可以像Pro一樣往流暢的揮桿更前進一步。



Outside and up


Outside and up (向外與向上的上桿)

Notice there isn’t any space between my left arm and chest, while the club shaft is between my arms at the halfway back position.  The relationship between clubface and my arms remain the same.  My right knee is still flexed and the left knee has moved a little.  These positions are simple yet important.


在上桿時揮桿到桿身與地面平行的同時,注意我的左臂與胸部沒有任何的空間。桿面與我身體的關係沒有改變。我的右膝還是保持著它的彎曲,左膝移動一點。這些 Positions (位置) 雖簡易但很重要



At the top

上桿的頂點 (上桿)

1 The hands should be above the shoulders as the club reaches the top of the backswing. 

1 揮桿達到頂點時手腕要比肩膀還高。


2 The right elbow is away and in front of the body, which creates leverage and speed. 

2 右手臂與手肘要與身體分離同時也要保持在胸口的前方,這麼做可以增加揮桿速度。


3 My back is facing the target as the club reaches the top.  From the front view, you should be able to see the back of my right shoulder.  Both indicate I’ve made a full turn.

3 在我的上桿頂點我的背部面向目標,從前方看的話呢,應該可以看到我右肩的背面。如做好這兩點可以說明我已做到完全的轉身。


4 Maintaining the right-knee flex is absolutely crucial.  Don’t straighten the right leg, yet allow the knee to rotate or move slightly sideway at this point. 

4 保持我右膝的彎度是必要的。不要讓它伸直,可以讓它稍微的旋轉或一點側移。



Top Notch




This might not seem as exciting as other parts of the golf game, achieving a good top of the swing position is something every Tour player and better golfer takes seriously.  Looking closely at Tiger Woods, Ernie Els, or any other golf’s elite, you will see lots of similarities, including a wide arc, keeping the right elbow in front of the body, flexed right knee and an upper body that is rotated above the right leg.  Ever wondering why the Professional golfers look so effortless and in control, one of the main reason is that they have a solid at the top of the swing position.


這一部份的揮桿也許是最無趣的,但是對每一位高球好手這是一個非常嚴肅的課題。仔細的觀察 Tiger Woods, Ernie Els, 或任何一位高球好手,可以看到有許多類似動作,像 wide arc (寬廣的揮桿軌道), keeping the right elbow in front of the body (保持右手肘在胸口的前方), 右膝的彎曲,再加上上半身漂亮的旋轉在右腳上。有沒有想過為什麼巡迴賽選手可以看起來那麼輕鬆又那麼穩定的擊球,最主要的原因之一是他們都有很好的上桿



Parallel parked



Notice how the club shaft is parallel to the target line, not lay off or cross the line.  Being at that position at the top of the swing is crucial for any golfer who hopes to make a good golf swing.  Look carefully at the left wrist, notice it is not bowed or cupped; it is fairly straight.  This promotes better ball striking.


注意當我的桿身與我的目標線成平行時,不是 lay off (以右撇子來說 桿身指向目標的左側) 或 cross line (桿身指向目標的右側)。如果想要有一個好的揮桿動作的話揮到這個正確位置是重要的。仔細的看我的左手腕,手臂到手腕是相當直,這個可以幫助你準確的擊球。



Takeaway drill


Takeaway (起桿) 練習


Grip a long iron so that the butt end of the club touches your belly.  Now simulate your takeaway, swing the club back till the head is about knee high.  Focus on feeling that your torso, arms, hips, legs and club head moving as one unit.  At halfway back, shaft should be between arms while the club face remain square to the body.  You should feel that your hands and wrist are doing nothing to the club.


這個練習我們要拿一隻長鐵桿,先讓握把的尾端碰到你的皮帶扣,再把手握桿在桿身上。 現在試著做出上桿的動作,讓桿頭揮到膝蓋的高度。著重在身體,手臂,臀部,下半身與桿頭的一致性。在這半揮桿的位子,桿身應該保持在兩臂之間,與桿頭還是保持它的 square to the body (方正)。 這整個動作,手與手腕應該是 quiet (平穩不動的)。


續待 (to be continued.....)