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平行管,還是錐形管比較好/Parallel or Taper steel shaft is good for me?~上集

平行管,還是錐形管比較好/Parallel or Taper steel shaft is good for me?

打鐵桿你要懂的有幾個東西,今天我們來討論桿身這部分。鐵桿鋼管桿身裡有兩種桿身設計:一為平行管,以True Temper為首的一幫桿身設計。另一為過去的Project X的錐形管。放眼望去,鋼管桿身都是這兩種設計,你覺得哪一種好?這個問題是因人而異,但你要決定買哪一種,先瞭解這兩種桿身設計的特性。



目前平行管的產品有True Temper, N.S. Pro/Nippon shaft, Shimada/島田等品牌。以目前的產品款式是市場的主流。產品的價格也友善。但我個人的經驗,平行管的設計在輕量化桿身上就比較不好。應該說鋼管桿身不該用在輕量化的重量上。

我以前用NS Pro 950,打兩次就立馬換掉。原因就是打出來的球質不穩定、亂飛。側旋偏高,距離變短。但如果用True Temper 100g以上的桿身就不會這樣。我用過S200、 R200、R300、S300不同的重量和硬度,它們的手感和穩定性都值回票價。所以說,平行管選擇100g以上的產品會比較好一點。性能和手感都可以兼顧!


平行管,還是錐形管比較好/Parallel or Taper steel shaft is good for me?~下集

You need to know something about iron shafts before you making the right iron for yourself. There are two kinds of steel iron shaft designs, first one is parallel and the other one is taper. You can see all the steel iron shafts are based on one of these two designs and which one is good for you? It depends on your personal usage and preferences.

Let's talk about these shaft design profile. For the parallel, it looks like bamboo appearance and each section is the same diameter, the good thing for such design is the loading can be smooth and easier. On the other word, it's better feel during the play. You will not feel stiffer in the feedback and the shaft delivers good performance as well.

Nowadays there are many steel shafts using parallel design such as True Temper, Nippon shaft and Shimada. You can see 80% of the retail irons are come with parallel steel shafts. The good thing is the price is friendly for golfers to consider. But the negative part is do not use the light weight steel parallel shaft particularly the weight below 100g.

I should say it is the material advantage and profile on steel shaft to play over 100g shaft weight on iron shaft. You can see there are steel shafts with parallel design weighted under 100g such as Nippon shaft N S pro 950/850/750, but with my experience, the shaft delivers more spins on back and side spins. That makes the shot unstable with less distance.

I used True Temper R200,S200,R300,S300 for various shaft weight and it results great. The steel iron shaft is based on the weight and design to provide the best performance and feel. If you pick the steel shaft under 100g, the performance is going to be unstable sharply. In short, you need to play steel iron shaft with weight 100g, you want the lighter shaft weight below 100g, you should go straight for graphite shaft!

Parallel or Taper steel shaft is good for me?~Part II




