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碳纖維桿面真的可以取代金屬材質嗎/Driver face material has big jump?~上集

碳纖維桿面真的可以取代金屬材質嗎/Driver face material has big jump?



不過在技術的提升下,碳纖維材質的強度比以前要更強。而運用在桿面上,應該可以有不錯的感覺。至少擠壓感會比金屬材質要更不錯。但我也看到Yoububer在測試Stealth和其他Callaway Rouge,Titleist TSI木桿比較,Stealth的木桿倒旋量都要比其他2支木桿要高不少。當然這是我個人比較在意的地方。




碳纖維桿面真的可以取代金屬材質嗎/Driver face material has big jump?~下集

The hottest topic for 2022 driver is Taylormade Stealth! Why? The face is graphite material with 60 layers of carbon fibers. In terms of the technology, we all have the question on the new material of the wood face to perform? Whether or not it's better than current main stream of titanium face? I have the same question as well.

I have been checking with some youtubers for reviewing and testing the TM stealth drivers and new Callaway Rogue. I find an interesting point that the Stealth driver generated more spin rates than other drivers. For that differentiation, it makes the distance shorter than other metal face drivers.

Spin ratio is critical factor for the distance. If you are not a powerful hitter, the spin rate needs to be reasonable. If the spin is high, it makes the ball fly higher and roll less. Of course, if you can swing fast, stealth may generate more spin to make your ball fly shorter. That's the problem for graphite wood face!

The advantage of the carbon fiber face is good for your impact, since the graphite is delivering more soft and bouncing feel. The initial ball speed is fast without question. With my experience, the ball speed is not equal to the distance and rolling ability. That's why I concern the ball spin more than other striking data.

Of course, Stealth is the first generation of the carbon face driver, there is the room to improve the spin rate on following models. We will need to see more evidences and tour players usage in order to determine the new material of the driver face is really working for golfers? However, the spin rate can be worked out through the shaft replacement with clubfitters.

Driver face material has big jump?~Part II




