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握短桿子是要幹嘛/Why do you need to choke down the golf club?

握短桿子是要幹嘛/Why do you need to choke down the golf club?


我自己有做過實驗,就是用不同球桿,但握短1.5寸,對於距離影響是一點都沒有。不過我個人認為,鐵桿或挖起桿握短來打,對於亞洲球友來說,反而可以提升你觸球的紮實度。因為多數的鐵桿桿頭的仰角/Lie angle都設計比較陡峭,對於亞洲人的身高/手長來說,會容易讓桿頭平置在平地,桿趾比較陡峭。



Sometimes I saw golfers choked down the golf clubs with curiousness. Most golfers believe to grip down 1" or 2" can make the distance short but it's huge mistake. It won't let you drive short in distance but you get better result for sure. Or some golfers learn from professional golfers and think it's cool play. Being realistic, it's not what you think!

I have tried so many times with various golf clubs for choking down, it delivers the same distance and sometimes, the distance is even longer than my standard gripping. If you are not tall, gripping down 1" to 2" is good for you to strike the ball solidly on the sweet spot of the golf club face. Since the lie angle is upright for some golfers, and if you grip down, lie becomes flatter.

You can check when you play your irons on the ground, the head toe is upright or not? Gripping down will help you make the head toe flat for eating the ball solidly and accurately. That's why you can get better distance with contacting the ball better. That's the theory and also practical operation.

Therefore, if you would like to make your shot shorter, please picking up the right golf club to play instead of choking down the golf club. Playing smart is key to make your performance better.