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要練球最好的環境就是單層球和人草墊子/Range ball does matter for your golf club!~上集

要練球最好的環境就是單層球和人草墊子/Range ball does matter for your golf club!







要練球最好的環境就是單層球和人草墊子/Range ball does matter for your golf club!~下集

I have been playing golfer for two decades and knowing many golf courses and golf clubs. I feel if you are working on your swing, it's better to stay in Taiwan driving range with 1 layer range ball. Why? Since the range ball is the direct factor to make your golf club head damaging and 2 layer range ball with surlyn cover is the hard ball that is no good for your golf club head.

In the states, all the driving range is using 2 layer range balls and the cover is surlyn material which is hard. When you play it, it's going to damage the golf club face with scratching and ball mark. Comparing with 1 layer range ball, it's rubber material with soft feel and similar with urethane cover material.

Yes, the material does matter for the impact of the striking and feel. If you only work on your swing, it's better to consider the ball with less damaged, the 1 layer range ball is the best consideration to protect your golf club head. If your golf club heads wear lots of scratches, damages and marks, it will certainly effect your play and performance with more on back and side spins.

If you would like to sell the golf clubs, it will have give you a good price for reselling. That's why I play 20 to 40 balls per round but I am training with my son for building the golf swing, he needs to play more balls and I need to clean and maintain the golf clubs with many wears.

That's why I have different set of golf clubs to play on the golf course and to maintain the best performance and ball impact during my play. The 2pc driving range balls with bad condition, the cover is always to scratch the golf club face, that's why I do not like to go to driving range in the states. I play urethane cover ball when I am on the golf course. That's the way you can protect and maintain your golf clubs.

Range ball does matter for your golf club!~Part II




