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第一洞的開球 ~ Hung & chien


像這樣開球的緊張是很常見的. 這不僅會在一般的球友時常看的到,且你也常會在一些大比賽中看到這些世界頂尖的球員也跟你同樣的開球壓力.其實這些頂尖球員的抗壓性很棒也很習慣.當他們在面對這樣的開球緊張時也都可以順利的將這樣的緊張轉換為一個平順的開球讓他們可以有一個好的第一洞來抓小鳥.

但這對於一般的球友來說,是很難克服的.當他們站在第一洞的發球台時, 他們可以感覺他們的雙手在抖,不管他們怎麼做都沒辦法把他們內心對第一動開球的緊張給減低下來. 接下來他們還是依舊打出Slice的O.B.如果你是上述的球友類型,那我有幾個方式可以提供給你來幫你消除這樣的緊張.首先來說這些世界級的球員他們在比賽時的心境就如同南北極的冰山一樣,心情上是很少有高低起浮的.這讓他們可以以比較平常的心來面對比賽的壓力.對他們來說他們更重視平常練習的節奏與動做.就如同Boston職籃的塞爾堤克隊以前的名星Bill Russell.他都會在重要比賽前來練習投籃.這會讓他在比賽中能以他平常的狀態來表現. 這樣也是對高球球員最好的示範.

你為何會緊張?因為你在意.你在意你的成績,你也在意你在別人的眼中表現.你希望你在眾人的眼裡表現出眾. 最不希望發生一些糗態.而且當你越想讓你自己冷靜或停止手在發抖.通常會讓你的狀況更慘.所以呢,大部分的球友都會有一個想法就是這些世界級的球星都表現的像個冷血或跟機器一般的情緒.我問你你什麼時候有看到Tiger在推桿的時候雙手握的死緊的?或是他因為沒有進所以在罵人.大部分的球員都會有時口中唸唸有詞的.這是為了讓他們能把心中的情緒給發洩出來的方式之一.


大家必須要了解一件事就是你要有什麼的成績就要看你平常怎樣去練習.讓你的身體與肌肉去記憶你平時的揮桿.這樣讓你在上場時都可以自然而然的揮擊出來. 你如要破90那你至少要勤上練習場去練習.你要破80就要常上場.每禮拜要有一兩次的上場讓你增加臨場的反應與各種狀況的救球能力.一般球友都有一個成績的目標,但做法不對.一直上場但都破不了90.但應該把時間跟金錢放在自我練習上面.要破80要一直在練習場練球.你必須要了解每個階段球友所需要的東西不同.當你了解你的每個階段的練習重點, 才會真正幫你降低桿數.


中文 ~ chien

英文 ~ Hung

First Tee


Have you ever play in a important golf event and all the sudden when it comes to the first tee you start to breath heavy and proceed to hit it O.B.?


The first tee jitter is not uncommon.  It actually happens to every golfer including the best players in the world.  It is just that the better golfers welcome the sign of nervousness.  They have learned to channel their nervous energy into a great tee shot or a birdie on the first hole.  On the other hand, our golfing public generally gets so nervous and they feel their hands trembling.  They are thinking is there something wrong with me, why is my heart pounding and hands shaking.  They will try to clam themselves down or stop the shaking.  No matter what they try to do, it did little or no effect.  Most of them still slice it O.B.

 If you are part of the general golfing public, there a few things you maybe able to learn.  Great athletics have ice water running thru their veins and that is why they do not get nervous.  That is such a myth.  They are like us, human beings.  The great Bill Russell of Boston Celtics usually threw up before an important game.  Whenever he did not throw up before the game, his performance for the game will be flat and average.  It applies to golfers, too.  Being nervous mean you care.  You care about the score you shoot, you care about the way you look and you do not want to be embarrass in front of other people.

The harder you are trying to clam yourself down or stop your hands from shaking, usually you are making it worse.  Most golfers have a strange belief that all good golfers are machine-like.  They have no-emotions and they played like machine.  Let me ask you this, when is the last time you saw Tiger did a fist pump over a putt made or cursed when he missed a shot?  The answer is probably the last time you watch Tiger on TV.  He is the number one golfer in the world and he is letting his emotion out.

To overcome your first tee jitters, welcome it.  Welcome the coming of nervousness.  It means you care.  You care about your performance, you care about your shot and it is how you show you care.  Instead of trying to stop yourself shaking or doing breathing exercise to slow the heart rate down, just allow them to happen.  Follow your routine and let the shot go.  Try it; you may look forward to the first tee from now on.