紐約長島Sunken Meadow State Park Golf Course球場!~上集!
今天第二桿都打不錯,就算沒有上也在果嶺附近,也沒有進沙坑。但在倒數第三洞4桿洞下去一次,一切就切到洞口旁,一推收。沙坑不難,不是細沙,是中等顆粒沙子,稍微往沙子打下去,球就出來。今天的Ai Smoke完全解鎖,距離都在240~270碼跑。球的方向性就像自帶GPS,就是直,真的沒有亂偏。明明就是桿面稍微開了,但球飛行就是直,落地才滾右邊去。很明顯!感覺好像有點作弊的木桿。
我木桿配的桿身是以前Matrix的旗艦TPHDe,所以桿身強度和抗側旋能力也是妥妥的。我下次要換別的桿身來看看桿頭的表現,Ai Smoke的手感比較脆,比較沒有擠壓感,比起Rogue來說,Rogue手感還比較紮實。應該說,Ai Smoke的表現並沒有讓我覺得很驚豔,比起Titleist TSR2來說,TSR2還比較能噴。
這次我也從台灣帶來珍藏的Ryoma一代D1黑頭來玩,中間打了4洞,距離也真的不輸現在的木桿。當然喔覺得倒旋會比較多一些,滾動性沒有Ai Smoke優。但手感上會比較舒服和好操控,方向性也妥妥的。看來真的可以不時拿出來爽一下、自嗨。
另外新的Ai One 推桿,實際推下來覺得,手感和方向性真的沒有話說,但距離真的比我習慣推的刀背款/Newport2就真的短15%。今天幾洞就是在洞口前一步給我煞車,非常的無言!方向都正確就是短了。這類桿面坎入設計雖然提升手感但卻犧牲掉距離,我是覺得很不值,但整體感覺還是一支很好用的推桿,只是我對這類mallet型的推桿頭掌握上還不是很熟。需要點時間去克服力道和距離。
在紐約市的球場隨便都要$40多和$50多一場,質量上也沒有比Sunken Meadow好多少。但Sunken Meadow場子卻是貨真價實的比賽型,樂趣更多,距離也有,所以我才不會去打市立的球場,寧可開遠一點來打州立的球場。它的兄弟球場Bethpage可是美巡賽固定場子,只是質量更好些、設計上更細膩、維護上更到位。當然不好訂!練球、試球桿這裡是好地方。
My approach shots were solid today; even if I didn’t hit the green, I was always close, and I stayed out of the bunkers. But on the third-to-last hole, a par 4, I did end up in a bunker. I chipped it to within inches of the hole and one-putted. The bunkers weren’t too difficult—the sand was medium-grain, so you just needed to hit down into it, and the ball would pop out. My driver, the Ai Smoke, was powerful today, with drives consistently going 240-270 yards. The accuracy was spot-on—straight as an arrow, even though the clubface was slightly open. The ball flight was straight, only rolling a bit to the right after landing. Very noticeable!
My 3-wood was also on fire today—every shot was solidly on the sweet spot, with distance fully unlocked. On a long par 4, 430 yards, my second shot went straight to the green, even though my drive had landed in the rough. My 5-wood didn’t even get a chance to come out. I felt relaxed, the weather was great, making it easier to turn my body smoothly. Overall, I’m more familiar with my swing now, and I’ve mastered using my long clubs, which earned me applause from my playing partners.
My driver is fitted with Matrix’s flagship TPHDe shafts, so the shaft strength and resistance to side spin are solid. Next time, I’m thinking of trying a different shaft to see how it affects the performance of the Ai Smoke. The feel of the Ai Smoke is a bit stiff, without that compression feel, whereas the Rogue ST still feels more solid. Honestly, the Ai Smoke hasn’t blown me away like the Titleist TSR2, which has more pop.
This time, I also brought my prized Ryoma D1 black-head driver from Taiwan and used it for four holes. The distance was comparable to today’s modern drivers. Of course, I noticed a bit more backspin, so it didn’t roll as much as the Ai Smoke, but the feel was more comfortable and easier to control, with solid accuracy. Looks like I’ll be bringing it out to play from time to time.
As for the new Ai One putter, after trying it out, I found that the feel and accuracy are excellent, but the distance is about 15% shorter than the blade-style putters I’m used to, like the Newport 2. On a few holes today, I left the ball just short of the hole, which was frustrating! The direction was spot on, but the distance fell short. This insert face design, while improving feel, sacrifices some distance, which I find a bit disappointing. But overall, it’s still a great putter; I just need to get more familiar with mallet-style putter heads to better control my force and distance.
This course offers incredible value! It’s impossible to find a round under $40 in New York, but this course lets you enjoy the design, difficulty, and challenge of a regulation course for that price. But I must say, because it’s so cheap, the course condition shows signs of heavy use, and the maintenance can’t keep up. If you ask if I’ll play here again? Absolutely! It has the distance, difficulty, and challenge I enjoy. The greens are decent—not bumpy, but there are some ball marks that people haven’t repaired. There are a lot of juniors playing here, probably with discounts, which is one of the good things about America. No wonder golf is so popular here!
In New York City, most public courses cost $40-$50 per round, and they’re not much better than Sunken Meadow. But Sunken Meadow is the real deal, with a tournament-style layout, more fun, and plenty of distance, so I’d rather drive a bit further to play at a state-run course. Its sister course, Bethpage, is a regular stop on the PGA Tour. It’s better maintained, with more intricate design and care. Of course, it’s harder to get a tee time! This place is great for practice and testing out clubs.