和朋友約好打WestRidge球場,這個球場在我住的地方要往北的地方。開車大概15~20分鐘,都是不遠的地方。開球時間是下午2:50,到了球場和朋友會合,先去果嶺推一下新推桿Ping 2021 Sigma2 來感覺手感和距離(測評後面會放到網站上分享)。我們打藍梯,總長是6600碼。這個距離好。我喜歡打距離至少6500碼的場子,這樣才能充分利用到木桿和球道木。
美國德州的風是涼的,不會像台灣那樣是熱風。所以就是90多度/30多度打,一樣很舒服,只是太陽大。我上次打Heritage ranch球場就完全沒風,衣服都濕掉,然後乾。Adidas的高爾夫衫還真的不錯,很透氣也快乾。今天打Westridge就舒服多了,風大不會熱、衣服也沒有濕掉。只是打起來就很有挑戰,很不錯。難度適中,細節做的非常到位,可以考驗球友的各方面能力。值得推薦大家來打。
WestRidge Golf course/德州WestRidge球場!~下集
This time I play with my friends in Westridge golf course. It's about 15 ~20 minutes driving from my place, very convenient local golf course. The clubhouse and proshop are at the same house. The tee time is 14:50 and I go to putting green to try my new Ping 2021 Sigma putter before tee time.
There are many golf summer camp for kids to play and my friend takes his son to play together. He is school golf team for senior high school, of course the performance is good. I like this golf course as the blue tee is over 6600 yards and there are many par 4 with over 450 yards. For me, I may need to lay on 3 on the green strategy.
Today is good weather as the wind is big. Playing in summer is good to partner with wind, although it's going to eat out some distances but it will not feel so hot in the playing. Because of winds, there are many plays needed to shot over 10 or 15 yards for making more distance, that's why I play lots of my 5 woods in the second shot in order to make it to the edge of the green or on the green.
The second challenge of the golf course is the second shot. The green is surround by the bunkers and some holes the green is hided by the trees and designs of the fairway. If you can make the solid and accurate shots, you will suffer the damages for sure. I go to the bunkers 3 times and safely get out with landing on the green successfully.
The sands are thin that needs to drive the power to get out from the bunker. I lost 4 balls this round. One is tee shot to the water hazard and two balls are straightly to the trees. I make solid impact and straight but do not aim the right direction. The last ball is unable to find it on the fairway.
The green is fast, speed should be 10 or 11, but with my new sigma putter, I make 2 putts all the holes except 2 holes with 3 putts. I am very happy with the putter to work on the fast green speed as putter face insert plastic material that delivers soft feedback and eats out the energy transferring to the golf ball. That works out my assumption and matched my expectation.
Last time I played Heritage ranch golf course, I realize the green speed in Texas is fast if I use my metal putter to put, it will be hard for me to control the distance vs power. That's why I choose face inserted putter to fit the fast green speed for better control my power. All the details need to be checked then find the solution.That's the fun part for golf!
WestRidge Golf course~Part II