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當球童小費明碼標價,100元行情價將成為過去時/ 100RAM for caddie's tip is no longer available?~王昊,中集

當球童小費明碼標價,100元行情價將成為過去時/ 100RAM for caddie's tip is no longer available?~王昊

當球童小費明碼標價,100元行情價將成為過去時/ 100RAM for caddie's tip is no longer available?~王昊,上集








當球童小費明碼標價,100元行情價將成為過去時/ 100RAM for caddie's tip is no longer available?~王昊,下集

Tips, it's from America and Europe, now it comes with golf to China. That's why we have to give the tips to caddie with the service. In Korea, the tips for caddie's service is 700RMB (no matter a single player or foursome). Nothing is special for the caddie services in Korea, but you have to pay for that amount as the standard charge.

The key is the golf course needs to tell the golfers before the tee time with the amount of the tips. Sometimes, some golfers would not like agree for the amount. As matter of fact, most golfers believe to evaluate the service from the caddie is important to decide how much tips they should give?

We all agree to give tips in the end of the round, but how much I should give out? That's interesting question! Of course, the service is good, I do not mind to pay more than standard. That's no good for good service and bad service to make the same amount of tips. 

Unfortunately most of the times the services we pay for are not equal to the money. That's why we do not like to setup the fixed amount for tips. If the service is far behind the standard, why I have to pay the fixed amount? Of course, good caddies can deliver the accurate yardage, green path, and suggestions. That's professional works based on the experiences, golfing skills and knowledge. 

I have been playing over 100 golf course in China and let me tell you some bad services I have got from caddies. Something like unable to find the ball, not pay attention on tracing the ball location, checking his/her cell phone all the time, carrying the wrong golf clubs and giving wrong information about the green. There are lots of stupid and unprofessional works from the caddies, that is unqualified caddie services. Eventually I have to pay the fixed amount for tips! That's the rule.

100RAM for caddie's tip is no longer available?~Part III




