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訂製過程的一些因素談/briefing of Clubfitting's factors!~上集

訂製過程的一些因素談/briefing of Clubfitting's factors!

還有一些有關桿子長度會影響使用的東西要說。 有時候球友用新桿子,桿子的長度不對也會導致你球飛左或飛右的狀況。不管你的下桿路徑是inside out /由內向外、還是outside in//由外向內。如果桿子長度比較長,就會讓你下桿時很難掌握擊球點。就是你會需要更多的力量去拉動桿頭到正確的擊球位置。



其實在球具量身訂製的領域來說,一些問題都有很多的解決方法。沒有一個特定或固定的方法來解決一個問題。所以只要結果是對你好,不管技師如何調整或使用的方法,都是好的設定。當然很多擊球結果無法從launch monitor的數據瞭解和體會。所以我才會一直都在戶外的練習場進行球具訂製測試。



訂製過程的一些因素談/briefing of Clubfitting's factors!~中集

訂製過程的一些因素談/briefing of Clubfitting's factors!~下集

There are something I would like to add for club length, when you play the new golf club, if the length of golf club is not correct, it will effect your strike accuracy and make your swing hard on controlling. No matter your downswing path is outside in or inside out, you will be hard to manage the club head movement.

Here is my definition of long golf club, it's your familiar club length more than 0.25"~0.5" longer. The golf club text book would tell you that you can adjust the club face open or close to reduce the side spin issue, but my personal experience believes to adjust the length is more effective than face close or open adjustment.

Nowadays there are many woods can adjust the face setup, but it's hard to measure the result of the adjustment. If your ball is used to go left that means your club head and arms are aggressive, you can try to make the club length a little longer should worked out this issue.

In terms of clubfitting, there are many ways to work out golfer's issues. There is on only one solution or setup to solve the problem. If the result is good and positive for you, you do not care how the clubfitter works on your clubs. There are many factors hard to be viewed or felt by golfers, therefore, it's better to go outdoor to see the whole ball performance and flight.

In outdoor, you can see the ball speed, flighting time, trajectory and landing. With ball speed and ball flight pattern, it will tell you a lot of things. But in indoor, you are unable to know your ball speed and flight. Everything is calculating by the launch monitor. You can not feel and watch it personally. That will be different in comparing the various golf clubs,

briefing of Clubfitting's factors!~Part II

briefing of Clubfitting's factors!~Part III




