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Matrix special deal! 好康機會

Hi 大家好,


購買任何Matrix Radix S木桿系列,就可以得到1支Radix S Tour(6321, 7321,7N, 8N)的桿身以6折為折扣.

Radix S Tour的桿身特性為中彈道,中低倒旋,手感更扎實,擊球的爆發力更好.球速與球質就等同於Matrix $300美金的桿身水平與質量.這桿身的重心比較後移,所以可以降低揮桿重量,適合不喜歡揮重太高的人考慮使用.


這是先前我有用過的Radix 7n測評給大家參考

FT Tour 9.5度/Matrix Radix Tour 7n Strong硬度木桿測試!

Here is a special deal from Matrix. They offer "buying any Radix S wood shaft and receiving a Radix S Tour of your choice at 40% off".

Radix S Tour shaft has mid/low launch with mid/low spin rate. It provides better shaft unloading power and faster ball speed in the air. The shaft's center of gravity is moved to a little to the butt section that means results in lighter swing weight. It's good for the golfers who do not like to play high swing weight clubs.

Feel free to let me know any question! I will help you out on this.You can refer below link for the review of Radix tour 7n that I wrote it before.

FT Tour 9.5度/Matrix Radix Tour 7n Strong硬度木桿測試!

