Here is your favorite golf ball survey for collecting your feedbacks for building the golf ball database: Please simply fill in the questions and reply to golf garage or email [email protected]
球牌 (brand):
何處購買(where buy from):
喜歡原因 請依序排列(reasons from most to least): 1. 品牌(bran),2.價錢(price),3.距離(distance), 4.外形設計(appearance/dimple style),5.軟硬度(compression) ,6.軟表皮(cover material/softness),7.結構(construction)2層,三層,四層8.其他____(others)
你的第二選擇球款(second choice ball):
是否介意用回收球/舊球(do you mind use used ball)?
你覺得球的合理價位應為一打(reasonable ball cost/per dozen)?
那一款球你最想試(which type of ball will consider to try)?
請舉一個你最爾熟球的技術或材質(pickup a ball technology or material you have ever heard)?
你最想給做球公司的建議(what advise you〞d like to give ball makers)?
Golf Garage