2021 Callaway Epic Max LS/LAGP TRONO 55 R driver review木桿測試!~產品說明1
2021 Callaway Epic Max LS/LAGP TRONO 55 R driver review木桿測試!~產品說明2
2021 Callaway Epic Max LS/LAGP TRONO 55 R driver review木桿測試!~實際測試篇1
2021 Callaway Epic Max LS/LAGP TRONO 55 R driver review木桿測試!~實際測試篇2
2021 Callaway Epic Max LS/LAGP TRONO 55 R driver review木桿測試!~完結篇1
整體來說,我超愛這支桿子。一直以來,手感是Callaway和LAGP的罩門,但這組合完全顛覆我對它們的既有印象。所以我會忘記現在打哪一支桿子。東方人最在乎的手感、回饋,這組合的100%美系木桿,會讓你覺得你是打日系driver那種柔順和綿密手感。但前提是你需要設定好桿身spine,如果隨便裝Logo down就不會有像我這樣的手感。裝的時候需要花點心思和功夫。
Finally, This driver is my favorite since I start playing it. Why? Callaway and LAGP(previous is Matrix) are not good on feel, but this combo is completely different and make the idea upside down. Sometime, I really don't know which driver I am playing? Since the feel of this driver is damn good and similar with Japanese driver feedback.
If you would like to get the driver like this, it needs to do some works such as spine of the whole driver, good epoxy, and good grip. I must say this driver is good performance and feedback, other drivers are hard to compete with. Moreover, the price of this driver is very affordable, unlike Japanese brands' peers costs you over $1000.
The other thing is to select the right shaft specification and weight. For this driver, I would say to consider Trono 55 for most average golfers, unlike you are powerful hitter to use stiff flex and heavier 65 weight level. It's better not to use the same flex and weight as other Japanese shafts, the Trono is true monster, if you get the wrong weight and flex, you will be hard to handle.
Custom driver is not just selected the right head, shaft and grip. You need to think and work more details on the clubmaking such as epoxy, procedure, and product profile. Without thinking these details, you can not get the best driver and result.
This driver is the work for my son to play as he has been playing golf since last November, he is struggling the long golf clubs, he is getting with the driver swing and performance after playing the custom drivers I have built for him. The newcomers need to have custom clubs to make your swing better. I think he is going to stick on golf for a while.