自從Titleist Pro 1成名以來,高級球款就不自覺的一定是以Pro V1的結構和材質為基礎。而近5、6年來很多的小品牌或台灣製球工廠也陸續推出這類大球心,薄球皮的三層球結構。當然球皮一定要搭配優力辛才能稱上高檔球或進階球。而這真的是最好或適合大家嗎?
3層優力辛球皮真的是王道嗎/Multilayer urethane cover ball is the best for you?~下集
Since Titleist Pro v1 becomes the number 1 golf ball, it has defined the high end golf ball specification and requirement. It must be 3 or 4 layers with soft urethane cover. In recent 5、6 years, there are many small golf ball companies offering similar Pro V1 3/4 layer urethane cover balls with affordable prices to get the market shares. My question is do we really need such multilayer golf ball with urethane cover?
I have been studying and testing various golf ball models since 20 years ago as I am also the golf ball maker in Taiwan and to know how other companies make the golf balls are the important job to me. I need to say nowadays the 2 layer surlyn ball can compete with multilayer urethane cover golf ball without problem.
I have been using 2 layer and 3 layer urethane cover balls with all my plays. With such experiences, i am able to feel, compare and see the differentiations on performance, distance and spinning. I personally think good 2 layer ball with soft surlyn cover is able to compete with multilayer urethane ball. That's why I believe 2 layer soft surlyn ball is the ball for average golfers.
Of course, if you compare the multilayer urethane cover ball through the launch monitor with 2 layer surlyn cover ball, multilayer urethane always has good numbers and results, but if you play in golf course, I would not think the differentiation is that big since there are many issues will make the result differently such as winds, humidity, fairway designs.
I was a big fan for multilayer golf ball but when I developed the golf 2 layer soft surlyn cover ball, I start questioning the multilayer urethane balls. I must say keeping things simple is the key including the golf ball, multilayer urethane ball is targeted certain groups of golfers, the average golfers are not capable to feel, control and deliver the best results with multilayer urethane balls. No mention it's luxury pricing.
Multilayer urethane cover ball is the best for you?~Part II