1. 產品的熟悉度 - 這個部分,是要有一定的瞭解深度。不是對DM照本宣科。需要有實際的測試桿來提供體驗和說明。技師也要有實際使用的經驗分享,才能讓球友有比較清楚的瞭解。不過這塊也是台灣很多工坊比較缺乏,因為他們不願意建立測試桿,也不願意庫存,也很少去實際使用操作球桿。所以要瞭解產品這塊是有難度。
2. 原理的論述能力 - 很多結果和擊球表現都和物理,材料學有直接相關。如果你要求技師要能有論述這些道理,就是比較厲害的魔王等級了。因為如果沒有相關理工科基礎和學習,是很難在這部分有完整或精要的說明。因為一個結果是環環相扣,人的分析和球具的物理變化。要能說明整個環節不是簡單的事!
好的球桿訂製師的要項/A good clubfitter's requirements!中集
好的球桿訂製師的要項/A good clubfitter's requirements!~下集
I have been doing the clubfitting/clubmaking for over 17 years. it was just interested in golf clubs but That's endless for finding the right golf clubs for myself. Due to finding the various results and combination of golf clubs, I have to know clubmaking, golf swing and golf parts for getting the truth. Otherwise, it's only having a number of golf clubs without knowing the differentiations, gear profiles and reasons.
How could a golf club become with various golf club head, shaft and grips? There are so many shafts, heads, and grips in the market. It's impossible for a clubfitter or clubmaker to know all the products, with my experience, you can only pick up two or three brands products to build the vertical usages and experiences. Knowing products is basic for a clubfitter, you can not just read the product description for golfers.
1. Products - as I mention on above, the good clubfitter needs to know a number of shafts, heads and grips pros and cons based on personal usage and experience. Also collecting the golfers experiences and preference to build the product database then it's able to do the right recommendations for various golfers.
However, it's hard in Taiwan, the clubmakers/clubfitters who do not carry the demo golf clubs for golfers to try out. Without personal usage and experience, it's impossible to know how the new product, technology and materials can generate the results and performance? A good or a qualified golf clubfitter needs to have dynamic and technological fundamentals to explains the knowledge, theory and practical operation.
2. Communication - to be able to explain golfers which product, technology and material can deliver the right features and advantages for helping your golf swing? It's involved a number of technological knowledge, and scientific fundamentals. If you do not study it before or understand how it works, it's hard to tell golfers the whole story and know-how.
A good clubfitter's requirements!Part II
A good clubfitter's requirements!~Part III