就如同我們打一拳一樣,你的拳頭手臂沒有完全的伸直下,力量都是在進行灌注,而你的手臂快到釋放打直時,就是你的力量最大化。一樣的道理在揮桿力量的擊球時間點和最好的擊球位置上,就在你的手臂快要打直進行最大化的時間點上。如果你的擊球點不在這樣的身體部位上,那你的力量就不是最大化。就算你的下桿速度很快,一樣不會產生最好的球速和smash factor/擊球效果。
擊球力量如何最大化/Maximized your swing power!~下集
The ball speed is important factor to evaluate your distance in modern golf. In order to perform the best distance, your ball speed is critical and the way to improve. How to improve your ball speed? Of course, the source of the ball speed is the golfer who drives the power to the golf ball. I have been researching and studying a number of solutions and issues for improvement of your swing power and today I would like to share what I have got!
Now let's discuss about the power, the golf swing is the way of your body to generate the power by using the body rotation from the bottom to the top. Moreover, your arms are connecting with golf club for pouring the power to the golf ball. Here is the key that you need to look at, in order to deliver the maximum of your power, your arms need to be 100% straight for releasing the power.
Once your arms are straight for maximum power, and your upper body and shoulder are easier to rotate the golf club. Therefore, we need to make your arms are almost straight position during striking the ball. At this moment and point, our body is able to deliver the maximum power to the ball. In order to create such moment, it's related with your ball position and your body. How do you position between your and the ball?
The longer golf clubs such as driver and woods would have longer position. I think golfers know that basic knowledge, I do not go further on this part, but the key for average golfers is the golf club's length! The retail golf club's length is not really fit for golfers since it's long and hard for golfers to handle and control during the downswing.
If your body needs to spend more power and loading for taking care the golf club, your arms would not have room for power up during the downswing. In short, at the striking, your power is not yet maximized! It's like when you are jogging, you have to carry a heavy bag and that will eat out your power without speedup or maintaining the speed. It's the same idea on the relation between your body and golf club.
Maximized your swing power!~Part II