我們先來說好控;你的鐵桿好控,還是木桿好控?答案就好像我問你1+1等於多少一樣,侮辱你的智商。所以好控的首要條件就是,長度!你的開球木桿是多長?45“,46”,還是45.5“ 就是因為這樣的長度,就是打不好,才會突然來個阿茲罕默症。所以救命桿如果你的長度,讓你無法用鐵桿打法發揮,就不能說是易打和好控。
There is one situation the average has face from time to time, you have the problem to tee shot on the fairway. Your driver becomes unable to control with big slice or hook and the balls are landed to the out of bound. I got such situation before and can use hybrid to tee shot but the point is I need a wood to make up my tee shot without out of bound.
I am not talking about the hybrid or long irons that you can swing smoothly but without the distance for the tee shot, you can't get a good score or maintain what you have been playing. That's why to have one tee shot wood as the back up for your driver when you have lost your memory on driver's swing.
The long distance wood is very important for an average golfer to deliver the distance and you can try to make even on this hole. If you use hybrid, for par 4 with 400 yards or over, you barely have the chance to get standard on the green. That's why I think a back up wood is very important for the average golfers.
The features of this wood needs to be easy to control, forgiving, and reducing the side spin. It will be different with your fairway wood and driver. Do you think your driver is capable to have above features and benefits? I don't think so! Since easy to control needs to make the length of the club to be shorter in order to let you handle the club easily.
That's why your irons have no such problem because your irons' length is within 39" and compared with driver's length over 45". The longer length is making yourself hard to control and when you are having the problem with the swing, you would not be able to deliver the right swing and direction. That's why the length is also the first element for you to look at.
to be continued...