10月了,進入秋天又是打球最好的季節了。紐約9月下了不少雨,還淹水,有點像台灣的梅雨季下了2週。很慘! 所以身體也需要重新調整、動一動了。10月的天氣真的清爽宜人,今天早上大太陽的就和我說;打球了,直接給自己放假,安排打球!有一個多月沒有打球,身體都癢了,上網看看有什麼球場可以來活動筋骨?選了和上次打middle bay附近的林克斯/Links球場,Lido球場!
打球打透透系列-美國紐約長島私人球場Lido Golf course~上集!
沒錯!我8年前有來打過這個場子,水池遍佈、距離雖然只有6500多碼/藍tee,白tee6100多碼,但非常需要準度。尤其現在秋天,正是海風強力掃蕩的時候,打起來特別有感覺。之前打是暑假時間,風不會很大,現在動作也相對穩定多了,所以再來挑戰Lido。這個球場基本上都是local人打比較多,因為位在長島南邊Jones Beach靠海位置,開過來不到20英里,40多分鐘,如果不是喜歡海濱球場的人是不會過來。
刻意帶Titleist TSR2配Ventus TR 黑管,打低彈道,才是王道。基本上第二桿就是P桿 來解決,也不少400碼的4桿洞,但都可以2桿上,只是今天短桿很鳥,一些第二桿落在果嶺邊都切的不好。加上果嶺大多是砲台式,不容易停球。今天下沙2次,但第一次打就打不出來,因為沙坑是硬的像水泥,可能之前下雨把沙坑下壞。沒有重新翻過和加新的沙,所以我第二次就不打了,因為第二次下沙,沙坑還有積水,就直接把球拿出來。
Lido Golf course~下集!
It's October, the weather is the best of the year, of course I gear up my golf clubs and head to play. It's been raining since mid of September, October is getting better with lots of sunshine. The temperature is perfect, nothing needs to say, just book the tee time to play on Friday morning. I pick Lido golf course which is nearby Jones beach for driving 45 minutes from Flushing.
I play this course about 8 years ago and this time, I would like to enjoy this course with all my skills and golf experience. The club house is under construction, there is temporary pro shop and check in for golfers. Also the parking area has two different spots. In general, this course is really local and there are a number of local golfers to stop by.
Most of golfers are using push cart for walking, I need to get more sunshine and refill the energy. Walking is good for me. The tee time is 11am and team up with other 2 local golfers for today. It's good to have them as my GPS and mapping since I really don't remember the details of the course but I do know this course is tough as it's a typical links course style.
The white tee is over 6100 yards and blue is over 6500 yards. Today is very windy that makes the challenge becomes a monster level. I pretty much use driver to tee sho but I all hit low since it needs to get more distance with low trajectory in windy day. Some of my tee shots land on the rough due to the strong winds. It's very hard to calculate the effect of the winds and that's the fun part of current lido.
I would say there is no big difference between front 9 and back 9. Although some of the fairway is wide open but that doesn't mean you can get your ball easily. If the ball is landed in rough, you can't find it for sure. I have lost about 3 balls today without finding the balls. The key is to bring your accuracy with woods and irons. The distance is not long but it's all about the ball landing location.
Lido Golf course~Part II!