沒有大徹大悟,就得不到平靜自我觀/Without clear mind/certain experience, you can find your own way!~下集
We are living this modern world, there are many fancy things around us. It's easy to get something you really don't need. Over sales and over consuming are the standard features of this world. If you want to avoid it and stick on your own way to survive, you have to have certain experience to know what's not to get?
Not to get is fun! For me when I was young I bought lots of things such as golf clubs and gained so many experience then become some kinds of expertise. Since there were many bad experience and failures and I learned from it and live from it. That's why I can have my own way to get the right things with the right fee.
Nothing is free! You want the answer to avoid the problems and get the short cut, yes, you need to pay! Online is not free as you need to digest tons of times for finding the right information with your internet service cost.
It's like selling the products, I always setup my target audience, there is no one fits all products. You can choose who you would like to buy, I can decide who I would like to sell. With the same mindset and attitude, we can make things and transaction smooth, efficient and smooth. I want to make my life easier and happier!
If you do not have enough experiences, you do not know what's good for you and how to build you own way in this world to get right things for you. That's tough job and cost you millions of dollars to get it. That's why the experience is the key and fundamental to make you different and live with your own way.
Without clear mind/certain experience, you can find your own way!~Part II