在球桿的世界裡打滾多年下,我做很多的測試和實驗。都可以在我的網站裡看到不少種類、比較和實驗的方式。就我的經驗來說,從沒有打過兩隻球桿是一模一樣的感覺。就算是同一種產品,規格、桿身都一樣,也沒有辦法達到一模一樣的回饋。 所以別認為我愛某支桿子就再去買一模一樣的規格就可以。
沒有感覺一模一樣的球桿/There is no exact feeling the same golf club!~下集
I have been golf clubs for decades, I have played, tested, and experimental a number of golf clubs including shafts, heads and grips. With my experience, I have never played and built two golf clubs with exact the same of feedback and feel. Therefore, do not think I can go to the store to get exact the same model and specification golf club to play. I would not work!
How come? I find the same golf club head, shaft and grip, it should be generated the same feel as what I have played with my favorite golf club. The reasons are many but the key is during the manufacture, all the parts are not going to be exact the same with each other. Furthermore, to assemble the golf club with parts, it needs to add the glue to the head, each head needs various glues in order to match ideal swing weight from brand company requirement.
The best I can do is to make the feel and feedback of golf club similar with what you used to play. It's impossible to copy the golf club feel from A to B for 100%. The other factor is the shaft part as the different shaft makers have their own flexibility test and feel. That's the hard part as there is no standard for shaft flex to follow.
For example, the Fujikura shaft R flex will be different with LAGP shaft's R flex. Even it's the same brand but with different models, the flex is unlikely to be the same in playing. Since each shaft model has its own design profile, and material differentiations. These differentiations will make the shaft feedback completely different.
To me the most difficult part is the assemble of the golf parts. The off the rock products are fixed by manufacturers and as the clubfitter and clubmaker, I am unable to pick the ideal parts with the specification, the best I can do is to make the golf club to be similar with the specification and the details. What do you mean the details?
There is no exact feeling the same golf club!~Part II