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Ping G410 Plus 10.5/Matrix 5M3 S硬度木桿測試~完結篇!

Ping G410 Plus 10.5/Matrix 5M3 S硬度木桿測試



Ping G410 Plus 10.5/Matrix 5M3 S硬度木桿測試~產品說明篇!

Ping G410 Plus 10.5/Matrix 5M3 S硬度木桿測試~規格說說明篇!

Ping G410 Plus 10.5/Matrix 5M3 S硬度木桿測試~實際測試篇!

Ping G410 Plus 10.5/Matrix 5M3 S硬度木桿測試~實際測試篇2!


4. 易打和操控能力 - 這桿子的規格和M6差不多。雖然桿頭的重量會比較重3g,都是在可以接受範圍裡。長度的使用也是我習慣。所以用起來這桿子在操控上是一點問題都沒有。只是桿身不是我喜歡的特性。鋼性比較強,如果沒有發揮力量來打會覺得打起來沒有太大樂趣和變化。

桿頭的體積雖然沒有做到460cc但455cc也是快到極限。所以桿頭的風阻會比M6感覺大一點。在launch monitor上,桿頭速度會比M6要少2~3mph。加上桿頭重量比較重,下桿的速度比較容易受到制約。所以會影響擊球的精準度和速度。



以易打容錯的表現M6會優於G410. G410在非甜蜜點的擊球效果似乎沒有比M6好。至少在距離的結果上是如此!應該說;G410如果打在非甜蜜點越遠位置,距離效果就不好。而桿面也做的大,如果動作精準度和穩定性不好,距離落差就很大!

5. 穩定性和失擊壓制能力 - 這桿子的側旋壓制能力真的不錯。和M6旗鼓相當。因為桿身的強度高,所以在失擊時,對於側旋壓制的幅度約在15碼到20碼範圍。都是很優的表現。下場打不會讓你掉桿或產生大的傷害。最多就是到長草或樹林,不會到出界。所以打這支桿可以很放心去發揮速度力量。

Matrix 5M3這桿身是舊款。現在LAGP的black tie也有這款桿身,但桿身的重量是從60g開始,已經沒有50g的規格產品了。所以我才用這款舊的款式。但桿身的強度和抗側旋能力真的在50g這個產品等級算數一數二的頂尖位置。加上彈道中等,可以打出更好的抗風中低彈道球路來。這在其他50g桿身不容易看到。


M6的Veylix Mansion就是一樣美系產品,所以桿身強度真的沒話說。下場有時候覺得動作沒有做好,但也只是稍微偏一點。球一樣還是留在球道上,沒有掉桿的問題。帶這兩隻下場打到目前都沒有掉球狀況。當然目前的動作比較穩定,桿頭的側旋,倒旋也少。觸球角度就算跑掉一點也沒問題。







Ping G410 plus driver 10.5 loft with Matrix 5M3 Stiff flex review!~Part V

4. Playability and control - I make the driver specification to be similar with my other clubs then I can play with my best without difficulty. However, this G410 combo is little hard for me to play, the head is heavier than my others, it makes me swing hard and fast in order to get the best performance of this driver. If I swing 60% of my power, the result would not be good compared with TM M6.

Since the shaft requires certain speed for delivery of the performance, and the head face is bigger than TM M6. As a result, it will face more resistance during the downswing. On the launch monitor, the head speed is slower than TM M6.

On the striking point of view, bigger head face would make the striking to sweet spot more difficult as you will have higher percentage of hitting off sweet spot. That's why TM M6 can get better distance and better accuracy on the face hot zone. Since the face is smaller than G410, it will help golfer strike on the right spot for best result. It tells one simple rule, detail can effect the result of your play. If your swing is consistent, you do not need to play big head size and big face.

I change the weight screw to make the head weight lower with my expectation. The result is better and help me get more control on the workability. It also increases the head speed a little. The key of G410 head requires to strike hard and power. If you are not the hitter, it's better to look for other driver head for easier to play and better control.

If you play off the rock G410 driver, the length is 45.75", it would not help you play better or strike accurate. The longer length of the driver will require more power and speed to handle. I would suggest average golfers or weekend golfers to make the length shorter for better play and control. Customization is needed for making G410 better to control and play. This head requires good fit for the specification and shaft profile.

5. Consistency and mis-shot result - The good thing on mis-shot is impressive that the shaft is strong and consistent to reduce the side spin. It certainly helps golfers on mis-shot. I have played G410 combo without OB and the shaft is good for me to swing hard. I believe 5M3 earns the credit.

Even though the mis-shot will result about 15~20 yards off the target and land on the rough or trees. However, 5M3 is old model from Matrix shafts, the new model of black tie from LAGP is weighted from 60 gram. If your swing speed is less than 95mph in driver, to play 60 gram in summer might have the difficulty on back 9 for control and swing accuracy.

5M3's spin is low and resistance of side spin is good, The shaft material and profile are strong for hitters to swing hard. For other Japanese peers, there are few shafts can deliver such profile and result. If you are in hot temperature area in summer time, the lighter shaft weight will help you play easier. With 5M3 shaft's profile, you can swing hard without facing the problems of mis-shot or swing mistake. That's why I like to play 5M3 during the summer time. I can finish 18 holes without difficulty and maintain the swing accuracy to the end.

Although 5M3's shaft feedback is not as smooth as Japanese shaft. It's just too simple and not much feedback for golfers to enjoy, but I need performance and consistency better than good feel from the club. There is no perfect club, sometimes you need to trade in and sacrifice some parts to get what you like and need. Of course, there are other shafts can deliver better feel and good result. I will build other shaft to fit G410. I need more experience to know G410's capacity and performance.

If you need a club that can help you deliver your power and energy to the maximum, it requires the customization to fit your requirement and expectation. Clubfitter is important to provide the possible recommendation and analysis for golfers to consider and evaluate. Since there are hundreds of club heads, shafts and grips in the market, and there is no one can get to know all the product profile. Thus make the appointment with local clubfitter to know more about your personal club. There is no standard on golf club and your job is to find out.




