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Stealth 9 loft vs Rogue ST 9 loft review測試!~中集

Stealth 9 loft vs Rogue ST 9 loft review測試!

Stealth 9 loft vs Rogue ST 9 loft review測試!~上集



再來是 Rogue ST,感覺Rogue ST桿頭的回饋要比Epic再提升一些,中球的感覺有更多的擠壓球的感覺。非常爽!會打得很熱血。中球、擠壓球感、然後球彈出去。當然這類金屬桿面的好處就是在非甜蜜點的擊球回饋會比較硬一點。但我覺得目前Callaway對於複合式材質的桿頭已經有很紮實的經驗和底子,在桿面回饋上,一代比一代要好。這點我個人會比較喜歡Rogue ST的桿頭回饋。

對於擊球的彈道來說,Stealth在空中的飛行高度會稍微高一點,但它的飛行時最猛、也最噴。因為它從擊球到空中飛行就是一個像地對空的飛彈軌跡。可以很清楚的看到,球由地面衝出來,然後一路爆衝到空中。而它的球速比Rogue ST要快,所以說它打出來的球很猛。打起來賞心悅目、超熱血!

對我來說,雖然Stealth的彈道高會比Rogue ST要高一點,但還是在低彈道的高度,不會讓彈道由低變中。飛行距離上,2個桿頭都是差不多。不會覺得有一支會比較突出。Rogue ST的球質感覺比較重,飛起來也不錯,球速也快,只是當有2支桿子比較時,就感覺出來一些不同和差異。不過,Rogue ST還是有比較突出的地方。

Rogue的桿頭設計,就是讓球比較容易彈衝到空中,桿面重心比較低和深,球的側旋和倒旋都比Stealth要低。這是桿頭特性的差異!因為看球的飛行軌跡就可以瞭解。而Rogue ST也和我的預期差不多,球飛出去就時直直的出去到結束,超穩定。側旋的壓制力超棒。這塊是桿身的特性加持。所以Rogue是可以讓你放心去衝距離。


Stealth 9 loft vs Rogue ST 9 loft review測試!~下集

With stealth, the head face feedback is impressive! The carbon fiber face doesn't feel soft or compressing. In fact, it's very solid feedback with quick bouncing. It's not big sound during the impact but very solid feedback. However, I could not identify the impact spot from the face. The feedback is whole face.

Even though the off sweet spot is feeling the same without harsh feedback like metal face, it's the benefit from stealth head. I personally prefer Rogue ST face feel since the feedback is more compressing during the impact. It's fun to interact more with the golf club and you are able to know what exactly the striking spot.

The face feedback is much better than Epic and Mavrik with my experience. I have played these recent 3 models and I can feel the progression with these three generations. Of course the off sweet spot feedback is hard. You are able to identify the striking spot from the face and understand whether it's a good striking!

In terms of ball fly and ball speed, Stealth is outperformed Rogue ST without question. The ball speed so fast with higher ball trajectory. The trajectory is still low but a little higher than Rogue ST. Rogue ST is exactly low for trajectory. The stealth spin rate is more than Rogue ST with about 200rpm. That's why the trajectory is slightly higher.

The Rogue ST ball looks heavy like bowling with solid ball fly. The carry distance is similar with stealth but rolls more than stealth. Since I play these two drivers head to head, that's why I can identify the ball fly with ball speed and trajectory. If you play one of these two drivers, you will like its profile and performance for sure.

Stealth 9 loft vs Rogue ST 9 loft review!~Part III




