在Memorial day的連假裡也安排一場球。選在長島的球場,Stonebridge Golf Links。這是半私人球場,但也開放給外面非會員來打球。開車約55分鐘,因為這裡附近有一個常來的outlet。就決定打這個球場。這是一個links風格球場,全長6200碼/黑tee。比較友善的距離,對於推車的我來說,要讓身體逐步的習慣走路打球,是選它的原因。
美國多數的球場,第一洞開始都是讓球友建立信心的開始。不會給你一個震撼教育。這是高爾夫的標準邏輯,不是以要考倒你,而是讓你逐步去享受高爾夫的挑戰和樂趣。這是在亞洲和美國打球很大不同。美國大多的球場都是比較for fun,但在亞洲的球場,如果沒有讓你打到髒話連篇,就很難讓球友印象深刻。
也就是高低落差很大,如果球落在不對的位置,3推很正常。很像打比賽的果嶺設計。我今天開球都是Callaway Rogue ST 前9, Stealth 後9. 開球一樣是拿手,平均距離都在260碼。天氣其實很濕,濕度高,打起來很累。好的地方是有風,風是涼的。今年紐約夏天是比其他地方要舒服多,其他地方都爆熱,打球還是相對涼爽。
我一條濕毛巾套在脖子,解暑很有效。我今天抓3鳥,8個par,3個+1, 剩下+2。因為幾個par 4都不長,一個278碼,我Rogue ST直攻就到果嶺edge,嚇到,因為tee台比較高,所以多飛一點距離。還有400碼出頭的也是剩下60碼左右。都是很好抓鳥。我今天的中鐵基本很少露面。只有在par 3,和2次第二桿進攻。基本都是wedge和P桿打第二桿。感覺很像今年的US Open球場。
Stonebridge Golf Links course/紐約長島石橋球場!~中集
Stonebridge Golf Links course/紐約長島石橋球場!~下集
During the memorial long holidays, I pick up Stonebridge golf links in long island to play. It's semi-private golf course and opens for none member golfers to play. During it's about 45 minutes from my place, the style is links with 6200 yards for 18 holes. I like this course since I need to consider my body condition with walking 18 holes during the summer.
Summer is tough season to walk over 18 holes as the temperature is high, if your body is not good, don't try to walk, it's suicide! The first hole is always the place to build your confidence and get your condition to the play mode. Comparing the golf course in Asia, it's sometime tough for average golfers on first hole. That's why I like to play in the state, it's much friendly!
The temperature is over 90 degree, I am kind of OK for such weather since I was in Plano, TX for last summer. It's really better place than south since the winds are good to cool down your skin. Considering my body condition, I decide to play alone and reject grouping with other golfers. I know I need to walk slow in such weather, otherwise, I will not feel good in last 9 holes.
I also bring my green tea for summer, it's better to drink during the hot temperature. The first 9 I play Callaway Rogue ST driver and the back 9 was Taylormade Stealth. I am getting better for using these two drivers and easier to drive the maximum distance. The average tee shot distance can reach 260 yards, it's my expectation.
I have got 3 birdies, 8 pars, 3 bogey, the rests are double bogey. Since par 4 is not really long distance, I can make it within 120 yards after my tee shot. There is one par 4 with 278 yards, I make it to the edge. But it's not that easy since the challenges are on the greens with 2 layers design and if you make the wrong spot on the green, it's easy to have 3 putts.
Stonebridge Golf Links course!~Part II
Stonebridge Golf Links course!~Part III