讓你的每一次擊球想法簡單就好/Simple idea before the shot!~下集
Golf is tough, I have been playing for over 2 decades and until recent years, I am able to control and swing better than before. Reasons? I have gained a number of experiences and understand my abilities without some unreal strategies. It sounds right but it's the common problems and mistakes for average golfers who believe you can make the shot like pros.
Therefore, I only tell myself before the shot is to have clean and solid strike! If you can strike the ball solidly, you are able to deliver the right trajectory and distance which give you a better chance to make the par. A simple mission seems easy but it's based on your practice, experience and hard works.
I was trying to set some different plays but thinking is easy and hard to make it happen. Since golf swing is very difficult to perform in each shot, making thing complex and hard is not a good idea for average golfers. That's why I was used to hit the top or eat too fat. If your handicap is over 20, trying to make your shot as simple as possible.
Does that sound bored for my strategy and mission of the shot? Well, it works perfect on me because I can get my ball on the right distance or right spot. My strategy is simple; if the ball position is good such as tee shot, I play aggressive such as tee shot with driver to gain the maximum distance.
If the ball position is not good, I'll play the best solution to make my next shot easier to work. I was playing with friends who were single handicappers, they were good on strategy, ball execution and skills. I thought I could make similar shot, but my balls went to the water, bunkers or trees. As a result, I know my limitation and problem.
Simple idea before the shot!~Part II