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Taylormade SIM Titanium 5W 鈦合金 review測試!~上集

Taylormade SIM Titanium 5W 鈦合金 review測試!




很多時候,必須要飛一段不小的距離,要越過水池或山溝。加上5木要打上果嶺比較多,而彈道高度是非常重要,才能落到果嶺不要滾出果嶺。這也是我在測試很重要的觀察重點。SIM 鈦合金5木是19度,也是配置可調整角度的套管。所以如果你要調整桿面角度和球桿仰角都可以藉由這功能去進行調整。

這桿子是配置原廠三菱Diamana黑管FW 75 S硬度。對我使用是OK。長度在42.25“。算是OK的長度。如果我自己的5木會控制在42”或以內,以提升擊球精準度和操控位訴求。以球道木來說,裁短0.5“~1”的空間是有的。因為原廠的長度設定都比較長,對於動作不穩定的一般球友來說,使用上是相對困難,而調整長度往往是重要的第一步。

規格這部分我就不去說明,因為是原廠的桿子。而我實際在室內的打擊模擬器上測試的結果如下。模擬器是Foresign GC2.使用的球款有Callaway ERC soft, Titleist Tour speed, Taylormade Distance+,TopFlite 。主要去觀察同一支桿子用不同球款會得到說明結果?這會在其他文章裡去討論說明。


Taylormade SIM Titanium 5W 鈦合金 review測試!~中集

Taylormade SIM Titanium 5W 鈦合金 review測試!~下集

Recently I have been testing and trying various golf balls, at the same time, I also try various golf clubs. Fairway wood is the most important golf club on my bag. Why? Since my driver distance is around 250~260 range and off sweet spot is 230~240 yards. Therefore, the second long distance golf club plays critical rule for me to make the par.

That's why I like fairway wood and if you can play well on 3w and 5w, you can easily get a good score for the total distance over 6500 yards course. The distance below 6500 yards, you don't really need fairway wood as you can play your hybrid or long iron to make the second shot to the green without problem. Why do I pick titanium fairway wood? Since it's better feel and longer distance (10 yards longer than steel) for me. Without the distance, you barely can compete with other good players.

This time I would like to review the 2020 Taylormade SIM titanium 5 wood and it's technology and design are based on previous M5 titanium fairway wood. There is one 60g weight located in the club sole to make the center of gravity low and back. It will help golfers get the ball high for maximum distance. Since it's extremely important for fairway wood to get the distance on second shot particularly sometimes you need to fly over the water.

I wold rather carry 5W instead of hybrid since hybrid is not stable on distance and the trajectory is too high to lose the distance. That's why I carry 3W, 5W and 3i or 4i for the shot over 180 yards. Sim titanium 5W is featured with interchangeable sleeve for adjusting the loft and lie angles. It's good for golfers to change by your own based on your swing setup and usage.

The 5W comes with Mitsubishi Rayon Diamana black 75 Stiff flex shaft. The length is 42.25", but for my personal 5W I would set 42"~41.5". The shorter length is better for control and striking accuracy. I will try this setup first then reshaft with my specification to see the difference. Most of original golf club setup is long length but it's not good for average golfers to play and handle. That's why you need to do the adjustment for your use.

I am using Foresign GC2 launch monitor to see the performance data and also try various golf balls such as Callaway ERC soft, Titleist tour speed, Taylormade distance + to see how it performs. There is another article to discuss the golf balls reviews. Below is the review details.

Taylormade SIM Titanium 5W review!~ Part II

Taylormade SIM Titanium 5W review!~Part III




