Taylormade Stealth 2 Plus Fairway Titanium 3W & 5W球道木心得!~上集
我設定的2支球道木都以重量輕、長度短為重點!3W的長度為42.5“,這是我一直都用的長度,操控滿格。5W是41.5“,都比一般原廠設定要短。以操控為訴求,提高擊球甜蜜點的比例。2支球道木放在地面上就很順眼,桿面方正,瞄球2下搞定。之前打Callaway的Epic Max3木就覺得大大的,感覺不是很順眼,會影響觸球精準度。
首先,我在練習場打了3次,整年從4月到10月都用這2隻球道木,每一次打過就會稍微來調整一下球桿,比如桿頭的滑塊位置。對於5木,我覺得手感上沒有Diamond的舒服,畢竟一個是美系的剛性風格,另一個是日系的柔順風。RULZ 的回饋比較像鐵桿桿身,非常直接,基本感覺不出桿身的折點位置。但就是穩,失擊傷害也最小。以5木來說可以無縫銜接到鐵桿的擊球風格!
Taylormade Stealth 2 Plus Fairway Titanium 3W & 5W球道木心得!~下集
Now, my gripping is a lot more relaxed than when I was younger. Back then, I’d grip it way too tightly, which made my body tense and limited flexibility, reducing power. As I’ve aged, I don’t have the same strength, so I rely more on body flexibility to make effective shots, and the results are just as good as before. I’m starting to appreciate a smoother swing and a strategic approach—sometimes you really need to adapt yourself to maintain the results you want.
For my two fairway woods, I build a light weight and shorter length. My 3-wood is 42.5 inches, a length I’ve used for a while, maximizing control. The 5-wood is 41.5 inches, both shorter than the standard. The focus is on control, so I hit the sweet spot more consistently. Both woods look great at address—square face, just line it up and go. I used to play the Callaway Epic Max 3-wood, but it looked too big and threw off my aim a bit.
These two clubs really stand out. The shafts are not just single-color but a dual-tone, with vibrant colors that make them pop. The bright grip completes the look, so when you pick them up, they feel awesome—really comfortable and smooth in hand. They just inspire confidence. But it’s winter now, so I’ll wait until it’s a bit warmer to really put these beauties to work on the range!
I’ve taken them to the range three times, using them all season from April to October, adjusting the settings after each session, like the weight slider on the sole. For the 5-wood, it doesn’t have the same soft feel as a Diamana; one has an American firm style, and the other a Japanese smooth style. The RULZ shaft feels more like an iron shaft—very direct feedback, with almost no flex point. But it’s stable, minimizing off-center misses, and lets me transition easily to my irons.
Although it doesn’t feel quite as soft as the Diamana, the performance is amazing—the shots are solid, straight, and fast off the face. It’s thrilling! Initially, I set the slider towards the clubface for a low, penetrating flight. Later, I moved it to the back, giving a medium-high flight, which is great for landing on greens. This feature really works, giving two flight options in one club. It’s perfect for long par-3s or hitting greens in two.
Taylormade Stealth 2 Plus Fairway Titanium 3W & 5W review!~Part III