8月孩子和老婆下來過暑假,今天帶孩子下場,這是他第一次下場,所以今天我的任務就是肩負球僮和心靈導師的角色。因為我下來德州後他就沒有再練球,都是練籃球,所以有點緊張。加上前幾天帶他來Twin Creeks的練習場練球,打的很鳥,所以信心全無。但已經訂的場還是要來完成第一次的打球。
這個球場離我住的地方很近,開車約10分鐘。所以是我固定練球的球場,今天是第一次來打它們的18洞,也是很期待。球場的設計者是Arnold Palmer,我打過他設計的球場都是很有難度,沙坑、水池設計。所以今天這個球場雖然藍梯沒有很長約6300碼,但肯定不會輕鬆過關,加上帶了新手,所以就以輕鬆來享受打球的樂趣。
今天8月10日,德州的學校已經開學,打球的人瞬間少掉不少,所以打球不會有太大壓力,但後面那組只有3個人所以速度也很快,讓我們非常有壓力。我們14:40開球,時間到就out course開球。考慮到帶新手所以也找熟的朋友一起來打,這樣不會因為併組讓孩子覺得緊張不安。而朋友也帶一位球齡也不長的半生不熟的球友一起來打,都是台灣人,在這邊讀研究所。所以打下來真的緊張全無。
這個球場的前9還OK,難度不會太高,它的球道設計起伏不小,加上球道有點像links的感覺,很容易會打到其他球道去。但它會把球道邊一些草叢留起來,進去看起來沒事但球不容易找到,今天一些球就是這樣莫名其妙的沒有了。算了,今天來之前先去Wal mart買一些便宜的Noodles來給兒子打。本來就是讓他來練球。
我和兒子說,如果開球不好,就打我的球位。避免他長桿失誤。但其實他也沒有什麼out of bound/出界,或下水,反而我下水和打到樹林幾次。現在可以瞭解教練帶學生下場實在很累,光看他的球,有幾洞都忘記自己的球在哪邊,就算了不找球省麻煩。孩子今天就說用P桿和7鐵,wedge+推桿。當然開球driver。打得都不錯,他年輕有力量P桿就可以有140幾碼,有次約150碼距離直接打上果嶺。
Twin Creeks golf course!~下集
It's been August, my wife and kids come down to Plano for the vacation. Today I take my son to play in Twin creeks golf course, it's his first time play in golf course so I will need to help him out and be the caddie for him to lead. Since I took him to this golf course's driving range to play and he did not play well without confidence. He hasn't practiced the swing for over 4 months, that's the reason.
In order to allow my son to play easy and relax, I team up with my friends to group together. This way we do not feel too much pressure in playing with other strangers. Twin creeks is very close with my living with 9 minutes driving, I haven't played its 18 holes and very excited today's round.
This golf course is Arnold Palmer designed and it's not going to be easy golf course since his design is always with bunkers and waters on the fairway and greens. The blue tee is about 6300 yards for 18 holes, it's not long course but it's not going to be easy to play particularly I have my son to play first time in golf course.
However, the lucky thing is school is opened today and there are not many golfers to play. We do not need to speed up or have the stress to play with speed from following group. Our tee time is 14:40 and the first 9 is not tough, the fairway is like links style without trees or waters to identify the holes. If your ball goes to the rough, it's hard to find it since the grass is long.
I bought a dozen noodles from Wal mart for my sons to play in this round, he only plays pitch wedge and 7i. Of course the driver, his driver is not bad today without losing the ball. I told him if his tee shot goes to the water or trees, he can use my ball as the second shot position to play. This way he can release the stress on the tee shot.
Twin Creeks golf course!~Part II