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好的球桿訂製師的要項/A good clubfitter's requirements!中集

好的球桿訂製師的要項/A good clubfitter's requirements!

好的球桿訂製師的要項/A good clubfitter's requirements!~上集



3. 產品來源 - 很多技師都不是品牌的經銷商。都是打游擊的做法(和其他同業調桿身)。因為做經銷商需要有庫存,要訂一定的貨。但產品的來源比較妥當也有保固,當然如果不是經銷商,產品也可以調得到。只是最好找是品牌的經銷商,後續產品有問題或損壞也有相關的保固服務。


4. 結果論 - 這部分也是被詬病。很多球友會覺得換了桿子也沒有達到技師說的結果。但我認為訂製桿子都要設定目標,讓球友可以檢驗。不然這和買現成套桿沒有什麼兩樣。而如何去和技師設定一個可以達到的目標和結果?




好的球桿訂製師的要項/A good clubfitter's requirements!~下集

Nowadays there is launch monitor to help golfers and clubfitters to analyze the swing data and profile. However, to understand the data, you need to have fundamentals of swing knowledge, golf club technology and product profile. How to analyze the two different trajectories with various two golf drivers? You will need to look into the head loft, center of gravity of golf club head, shaft profile, golfers swing and so on...

It's all related with each other for the data and it's not easy to understand all the relationship and operation for each sections. With such golf clubfitting section, it takes at least 3 hours for a golf clubfitting to discuss, explain and recommend for possible combinations.

3. Product sources - A clubfitter can not carry all kinds of products and brands, but he needs to be specialized in certain brands with vertical product knowledge and experience. Some clubfitters do not stock or build the demo clubs for golfers to try out. It's absolutely no good on clubfitting without demos to practical feel and play the various combinations.

You need to find the right sources and fitter with authentic products. There are many counterfeits online and offline shops. The average golfers are unable to recognize it and the clubfitter can identify with the authentic goods to compare. That's why it's important to have authorized dealers and clubfitter/clubmaker for clubfitting. If you purchase from unknown sources such as online forums or auction sites, you have high risk to get the fake one.

4. Missions and goal - It's important to give golfers the missions of the clubfitting to accomplish. You can say all the issues are due to golfer's swing and personal/physical issues. It needs to be specific on achieving the goals such as the distance increasing, improving the on green ratio, more on the fairway and so on.

It needs to be measured the improvements on the certain fields for golfers. This way the clubfitter will work hard and do more self study with researching on new product and new technology to get more performance and improvements. The clubfitting is highly required professional knowledge, practical experience and product experiments.

A good clubfitter's requirements!~Part III




