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Heritage Ranch Golf country club/鄉村俱樂部球場!~上集

Heritage Ranch Golf country club/鄉村俱樂部球場!

來德州也有粉絲來相會。這次和在地的球友Darren打球。他帶我打Heritage Ranch country club,開車要半個小時。這次就就有點像在台灣打球的感覺,需要特別開車去一個地方,而這個地方稍微遠一點。但也是一個私人社區。球場也在社區裡!今天同組的老外就住在這個社區裡,打到倒數第二洞就說他們收工回家了,臉上直接掛三條線。


這球場聽Darren說算不錯,管理還到位。訂2點開球就2點才能打。也有練習場,我不想去練球,因為太熱很耗體力。前九節奏比較快,因為後面組打的快,非常有壓力。開2洞,用Epic Max LS不順手,換另一隻洋梨700-Chien就上球道。距離也出來。打好也都有250~260碼。短桿和鐵桿就時好時壞,不穩定。基本上,這個球場是平地球場,球道多半是寬廣,後9 out course出發,比較簡單。前9九比較有難度。




Heritage Ranch Golf country club/鄉村俱樂部球場!~下集

I have the fan in Frisco and invite me to golf together, his name is Darren. He has been following my website for over 10 years and this time we have the chance to play a round. He books afternoon tee time in the Heritage Ranch country club located within a private community and it takes about 30 minutes driving from my place.

We were playing with a pair of the grandfather and his granddaughter. His granddaughter is about 12 to 13 years old, he is teaching her nicely with patient. I will take my son to play once he comes to Plano. They are living in this community and have their own golf cart. That's good to live next to the golf course and you can have your own cart for convenience.

This golf course is very well organized with good condition for the fairway and greens. The temperature is hot with 92 degree, I have drunk lots of waters, it's tough to play in such weather with too much loading on the body. I run out the battery in last 2 hole with mis shots and unable to stay focus. I think for such weather I will play 9 holes without getting too hot with my body.

The challenges of this golf course is the distance, the total 6500 yards with white tee, you need to have good distance with your golf clubs, otherwise, you will play hard for sure. There are many bunkers around the green, accuracy is the key to avoid the bunkers. It's difficult to get out the bunker, if you don't know how to lift the ball from the sands.

Heritage Ranch Golf country club!~Part II




