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LAB Golf Putter B2 推桿!上集

LAB Golf Putter B2 推桿!

最近從朋友那邊收購一款LAB Golf B2推桿。LAB Golf推桿有自己在推桿的技術,也就是它的名字LAB/Lie Angle Balance,仰角平衡技術。一般推桿放置在桌面上,桿頭會不平衡的往下,而這個LAB技術就是讓平置下的推桿桿頭的桿根位置是朝地面。也就是推桿桿面和地面時成90度。簡單說就是桿面都是往目標方向走,不會偏。


而LAB推桿是桿面就是方正,不需要你的手掌特別去維持控制,聽起來很有趣,朋友店裡展示桿要脫手,就從朋友手上買下來玩玩。沒有下場就在室內推。狀況很好。最近在美國LAB推桿是很火,Adam Scott用它們的Mezz 1推桿就讓推桿穩定不少。我也是用了B2後,又再買Mezz 1,和訂了Link 1.就是技術可以把推桿變簡單,能不用嗎?

這個推桿是34“長,握把是Lamkin黑色橡膠材質,中等尺寸握把大小。整個推桿握起來的感覺是很沉,很像推heavy putter,那樣的沉!說實在的和我的推法是不一樣,我是靠肩膀擺動的動力來推擊,手臂只是單純握好球桿,不會握太緊、太用力。這樣的推桿比較適合用手在推的球友。因為手的力量需要相對的一個重量來取得平衡,而桿頭的重量就變得很重要。當然這個推桿的重量都會明顯感覺在桿頭上。



LAB Golf Putter B2 推桿!下集

I bought a new golf putter lately. It's LAB golf putter B2, the shape and design are so simplified. I would say it's no design at all, just as simple as possible. It doesn't drive my attention at the beginning but after I putt couple time at the driving range, I really fall in love with it! Why? There are some reasons for me to get addicted.

First of all, it's face is always square which means the main weight is focused and located at the face heel. When you hold the putter, the putter face is always square and you feel the head is heavy to avoid your hand over controlling. It's their technology so called Lie Angle Balance/LAB. In short, it makes the putting easy and simple.

The majority of putters are not focusing the weight on the toe, their are face balanced, toe balanced but none of them are heel down design. That's why we have to do lots of works on maintaining the putter face square during the putting striking. The short and mid distance targets are tough for average golfers since you have to control your putter face.

Because of B2 putting consistency, I get Mezz 1 and waiting for Link 1 to come. It's surprisingly impressive for the putter consistency. The shaft is black color with steel shaft with total 34" length and Lamkin rubber black grip. The B2 is good for golfers who use their arms to putt and control. The putter is heavy to get balance with their body.

Honestly it's not fit my putter style since I use shoulder rotate to put and manage the putter head movement. With this putter method, the putter weight needs to be mid to light for less load on the arms and fingers. That's why I get Mezz 1 and Link 1 to see if it is lighter weight for me to fit my putting style?

LAB Golf Putter B2 !Part II




