最近我的Apple watch 7更新OS後,就常常掛點。有時用到一半會招睛!剛好新款Apple watch推出,小宇宙就癢的不得了,這個時候就訂了新手錶。我常在運動,所以這次就直攻Ultra 2!我不是什麼極限魔人,但計時、了解心律和手機結合是我買手錶的最大原因和需求。蘋果手錶也用了好幾代,對於Ultra 2來說,還是陌生,也趁這次來玩看看Ultra和一般蘋果手錶的差別。
9月15官網下單,10月20才收到Ultra 2,這年頭等一個多月的東西真找不到。如果我不是有手錶在戴,不然就看哪裡有賣就買了。用了幾天,我個人覺得Ultra 2和蘋果一般版手錶確實有不少區別!我知道很多人和YouTuber都有分析、開箱分享蘋果手錶,但我以一個蘋果長期用戶的角度把自己的想法和大家分享。
首先,Ultra 2的大小、螢幕尺寸和整體感覺實在比較像貨真價實的手錶。我自己也有普通的機械錶,以我使用蘋果手錶的多年經驗,真的是像電子錶。不像真實手錶那樣的感覺!尺寸小、看的內容有限、也容易刮磨狀況。但Ultra的尺寸和螢幕就真的夠看,戴起來也像平時的機械錶感覺。
而且螢幕是持續亮著,不像一般版是會省電而黑屏。雖然Ultra 2的功能和一般版的蘋果手錶都一樣,有強化運動和增加一些功能,這點是我個人選用的原因。其實去年就有打算換Ultra,但原本用的Apple watch 7也才用一年,頭好壯壯,就忍到今年的Ultra 2來換。現在用起來是真有差!
尤其錶面大,可以把一些自己常用的功能放在face上。就不需要去按功能鍵來使用想用的功能!使用的成熟度越來越好。另外電池的使用時間也很爽,以前的watch 7,每天需要充電2次。實在弱爆了!現在充電大概可以撐2天左右。省事多了!有時候整天在外面打球或旅遊,根本沒有時間去充電,到下午就直接掛點、bye bye了。
Apple Watch Ultra 2!~下集
Recently my apple watch 7 is not working smoothly after updating the new OS. Sometimes it's shot down without reason or when I tap the app, it's dropping off. Well, it's been using 2 years and time to get the new one with all the clues. This time I am going to get Ultra 2 for bigger screen size with more features to try.
I ordered it through apple.com on Sep 15 but received it on Oct 20. It's over a month but I still use my series 7. I have been using Apple watch for years and familiar with features and functions. The good thing is it's easy and convenient to implement your personal data from my series 7 to Ultra 2. That's the advantage for dumping the data to the new gear!
After using days here are my thoughts and experience to share. There are many people sharing the new Ultra 2 on the web and my experience is for my usage and feel. If you are still hesitating to choose the right model for electronic wearing gears, it would help for sure.
The screen size is the key for me to pick Ultra 2, since my Series 7 is 45mm and Ultra 2 is 49mm. It's really matter for my usage. The Apple watch series are way to small on screen size and barely to tap the screen for using the features. For me the apple watch series is kind of kid toy. It doesn't look like the watch. Since I have traditional watch and to compare apple watch, I really don't like apple watch series.
Apple Watch Ultra 2!~Part II