備妥2種硬度的球款,應付各種狀況/Always prepared softer compression ball for bad condition!~上集
所以當你的動作不正確下,你觸球是身體的動作無法達到釋放點,這也代表你的力量沒有達到頂點和最大化。簡單來說,你觸球的力量可能只有最大化的60%或70%。 所以說;你打到球時的速度只有70~80mph的力量。
Do not think this impact time less than one second is not important, with good release of your power is critical for delivering more power and speed. If the ball compression is hard, it will bounce right away without impact compressing. If you can compress more to the ball is good for you to transfer your power to the ball. The ball with certain percentage of compressing is good to store the energy then release the energy with ball bouncing.
over 50% of golfers' swing release is not correct thus you can not gain the best impact energy transferring. Let's say you have 100mph swing speed in driver, but if you do not have good release of your swing during the impact, you can only make 50~60% of your energy deliver to the ball with small ball compressing. That's why you have good swing speed but the ball result and distance are not as good as it should be.
With soft compression ball can allow you to gain more impact time and ball compressing, it will help you get more distance and energy. That's why swing releasing is very important and it's for advanced golfers to get better result and power during the ball impact.
With soft compression ball we can play it during the bad and cold weather to get more impact time and distance. That's why I do have two kinds of ball compression balls in my bag, I can deal with all kinds of situation and weather challenges. Or when you play back nine, you can not get better distance due to less swing power and less speed, you can play soft compression to see whether or not it has better result?
Average golfers do not have too much time on body workout and training, by using soft compression ball it can help you gain some distance and maintain good impact feedback to control the club. Do not think soft compression balls are fit woman and senior. Average male golfers are also good to play soft compression ball with good result. Since people are all checking the result who cares what kind of ball you are playing!