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Callaway Ai Smoke Max木桿心得/Ai Smoke review!~上集

Callaway Ai Smoke Max木桿心得/Ai Smoke review!

2024年的新款木桿有不少狠角色,就想下手一支來玩看看,以Taylormade Qi10或Callaway的Ai Smoke來選。都是訴求高容錯/high MOI,我最後買了Ai Smoke,因為我有Stealth木桿,用起來的經驗是;如果你的力量和速度沒有在一個等級,很難炸裂它的碳纖維桿面的“彈性”。所以還是選傳統鈦合金桿面的Ai Smoke, Callaway的木桿,幾乎每一代我都有,用它有無形優勢。

從之前的Epic Max木桿開始,對Callaway的木桿每一代都用的風聲水起,一直都還留Mavrik和Rogue ST在當備用。它們的手感和穩定性真的爆好,其他木桿取代不了。就算我用Stealth, Titleist TSR2,有時候狀況不好,一樣拿Rogue ST來擋一下,找感覺回來。而到了Paradym,我用了幾個月就被朋友給拿走了,但一樣手感是不錯。

這次Ai Smoke一樣有期待,因為它們的穩定性是和Qi10同級。也就是一點偏的球,就變直的,大偏的球就變小偏。也是一般業餘球友的救星,科技的協助是必須。遠是重要,但不直就沒鳥用。而我這次從台灣把一些私藏的桿身也帶回美國,要裝在這桿頭來試試效果和手感。這是樂趣所在,不是最新就是最好,而是找出最好的組合結果。

我選用以前Matrix的TPHDe 5的A硬度。以前用過這款,高碳布材質,A的硬度和日系桿身S一樣強。而TPHD從以前的優勢就是穩,抗側旋能力沒人可以排在它前面。所以這樣的桿身配上桿頭以打直為訴求的高MOI,最後會成為什麼結果?用了才知道答案。規格我一樣是和其他Callaway的木桿一樣,44“。配Iomic的sticky握把。把操控、手感拉滿!

裝好的隔天就拿去練習場來小試一下,感覺很有料哦!擊球感覺沒有Rogue 那樣紮實但也差不多。觸球比較脆的感覺,缺了擠壓感。可能也是桿身強度高所導致,後面需要再試看看不同桿身的擊球回饋,才能有一個比較全面的結論。打出來的彈道比較平和低,在練習場就是低平的飛行,非常有穿透力,看得很熱血。飛行距離有至少220碼,但練習球會比下場用比賽球要稍微差一點。

實際下場,打起來遠比在練習場的順手。我的tee都插低,球露出約1/3,打出來算中等彈道。如果轉肩膀多一些,彈道會衝的比較高一些,球速快是第一個優點。另外手感覺得沒有擠壓感,但很脆。沒有什麼值得提的地方,有點失望。我用的球都是三層比賽TPU或Urethane皮的球款,但沒有讓我覺得比Titleist TSR2要優,也沒有之前的Paradym和Rogue ST要舒服。


Callaway Ai Smoke Max木桿心得/Ai Smoke review!~下集

The 2024 drivers are really something, and I’ve been wanting to try one out. I was deciding between the Taylormade Qi10 and Callaway’s Ai Smoke, both of which focus on high forgiveness and high MOI. In the end, I went with the Ai Smoke since I already have the Stealth driver, and from my experience, if you don’t have the right amount of power and speed, it’s tough to take advantage of the Stealth’s carbon fiber face. So I opted for the Ai Smoke, which has a traditional titanium face.

I’ve been really impressed with Callaway’s drivers. I still keep the Mavrik and Rogue ST as backups because their feel and stability are just unmatched. Even when I’m using the Stealth or Titleist TSR2, if I’m having an off day, I’ll switch back to the Rogue ST to get my groove back.

Now, I’m excited to try the Ai Smoke. Its stability is on par with the Qi10. Slight mishits get corrected to straight, and major mishits only turn into minor ones. It’s a real game-changer for amateur golfers. Technology really does help! Distance is important, but if it’s not straight, it doesn’t matter. I also brought some shafts I had stashed away in Taiwan to the U.S. to test with this clubhead. That’s where the fun is — it’s not always about having the newest, but finding the best combination.

I’m using the Matrix TPHDe 5 shaft in A flex. I’ve used this shaft before, and its high carbon fiber content makes it as stiff as an S flex from Japanese brands. The strength of the TPHD has always been its stability, especially its resistance to side spin, which is unmatched. So, pairing this shaft with a high-MOI clubhead focused on hitting straight…what kind of results will it give? I’ll have to try it to find out. I kept the length the same as my other Callaway drivers at 44 inches and paired it with an Iomic Sticky grip for maximum feel and control.

The day after I had it assembled, I took it to the driving range for a quick test. It felt promising! The impact didn’t feel as solid as the Rogue, but it was close. The strike felt a bit more crisp, missing that squashed feeling I like. That could be due to the stiffness of the shaft, so I’ll need to try some different shafts to get a fuller picture of the feedback. The ball flight was relatively low and flat, but with a lot of penetration, which looked amazing. I was getting at least 220 yards, but range balls don’t perform quite as well as tournament balls.

Callaway Ai Smoke review!~part II



