當球童小費明碼標價,100元行情價將成為過去時/ 100RAM for caddie's tip is no longer available?~王昊,上集
當球童小費明碼標價,100元行情價將成為過去時/ 100RAM for caddie's tip is no longer available?~王昊,中集
With my experience, 80% of the services from caddies are positive and qualified. With such service quality I am willing to pay 200RMB for the tips, but these bad services, to pay 200RMB is kind of stupid rule. In general, most of golfers in China always pay 100RMB for the tips no matter the services are good or bad.
It's not encouraged for good caddies who dedicate their hard works and try to deliver the best services and expertise to the golfers. It won't help golf courses maintain and improve the services from caddies as the tips are all the same amount. Tips are based on the service quality you get and can be varied by the caddies. That's the key!
Will 200RMB tips become the standardization for most of golf courses in China? I do not think so in short term. However, some high end or luxury private golf courses in Beijing are already set the tips for 400~500RMB per round. Of course, there are not many customers in such golf courses. The majority of golf courses may need to evaluate the high tips impact for golfer's budget.
The cities like Beijing and Shanghai are big that have many rich golfers to pay for higher amount for tips, but for the third or smaller cities in China, the cost will certainly be the issue for local golfers to play. Since it's part of the services for playing per round. To embrace more people to play golf, the cost is always the issue for people to consider.
Most of golf courses in China has the survey or evaluation for the caddie service after you play the round, but I always give "good service" no matter its good or bad service from caddie. If the caddie receives bad comment or bad service from customers, they will receive the punishments from managers such as reducing the works, and cut the wage for that month.
As a result, I need to be seriously to make the right comments on the caddie's services after I finish the play. It's able to encourage the good caddies for dedicating the works and also to push the bad caddies to improve the services and the overall services can be increased.
Decade ago, most of golf courses said there is no rule and fixed amount for the tips. Customers can give the tips or not, customers can pay the tips with any amount. But now customers must pay the fixed tips amount for each round without the service quality.