瞭解自己的球桿,從紀錄自己球桿的規格開始吧/Knowing your club specfication is the first step !~下集
Most of golfers do not know your clubs' specification, but it's important first step to explore the golf world and all the issues regarding your swing are highly related with your clubs. Therefore, to know and to build your club specification are the key for the nowadays golfers.
No matter it's custom fit golf club or off the rock clubs, there is the club specification. You can check your clubmaker/clubfitter to get it or you can go to the golf club equipment maker's official website to know the specification. Once you have it, you need to write it down and know it. This way you are able to discuss the golf clubs with your peers, coach and clubfitter.
What's the data of the club you need to know? It's included the length, swing weight, total weight, loft, shaft flex, weight and model. These are related with your swing issues and you can discuss with your clubfitter to know what's going on with your striking result?
Let's talk about the club loft. The loft is the face angle, with that you are able to know the possible launch angle and what trajectory you are possibly to get? All the clubs have the the loft from woods, irons and putter. It's related with your distance, and trajectory. That's why you need to know it.
Nowadays there are many irons have strong loft to get longer distance with the same iron number. That's why you get the better distance with the same iron number. The putter is the same as well since bigger loft can allow you generate more spin and rolling distance. If you pick the wrong loft of putter, your distance will be short without question.
Knowing your club specfication is the first step !~Part II