這次到Orlando PGA 測試幾支木桿都覺得不錯。先前分享了Taylormade SIM木桿的使用心得。這次是callaway 2020年的新產品Mavrik木桿。這次也在PGA室外和室內的場地都進行測試。
Callaway有自己的攤位和試了KBS、Tour AD 和Nippon shaft所配置的Mavrik木桿組合,也對Mavrik木桿有一些瞭解。也可以和大家分享和討論。其實我認為Mavrik木桿的桿頭技術和先前Epic木桿是差不多。沿用桿面AI設計,把一般球友會打到的區塊進行強化。提升手感和擊球側旋問題。
當然桿頭的上蓋是碳纖維材質,也是有效將桿頭重量給集中在桿底部分,讓桿頭重心和容錯都可以提升雖然桿面材質是說用FS2S 鈦合金,但其實也和其他鈦合金差不多。官方說這款鈦合金是重量輕,材質強度提高的特性。反正要打過才知道。這個就瞭解就好。
Callaway Mavrik driver review /1木測試心得!~中集
Callaway Mavrik driver review /1木測試心得!~下集
With 2020 PGA Golf show, I have tried some good drivers on indoor and outdoor and shared Taylormade SIM driver review previously. This time I would like to provide the experience and experience on Callaway Mavirik driver during the PGA demo day and exhibition indoor tryout.
Callaway has its own booth and have tried with some shafts such as KBS, Tour ADm and Nippon shaft combo with Mavirik head. Of course, the shaft weights are varied and allowed me to know more detail of driver head feel and performance. This way I am able to know how to fit Mavirik driver with the best combinations for different golfer's profile.
With the Mavirik shape and appearance, I think it's similar with Epic flash and only differ on the color. The head technologies are the inherent such as AI face, two jailbreak bars and carbon crown. The technologies have been using on Epic drivers for years and it's the best for Callaway driver technologies.
Taylormade and Callaway have been using carbon composite in recent 10 years, we can see the advantages of carbon composite in woods to reduce the weight and redistribute the weight on certain spots to make the maximum MOI for forgiving. Callaway driver head is only implemented on crown and Taylormade is located on both sole and crown.
The Mavirik driver face is advanced F2S titanium with stronger and lighter feature than regular titanium. I would say you need to actual try and feel the difference of F2S titanium then you are able to know what's the different for F2S titanium face?
Mavirik head shape is more rounded and it's good for aero dynamic and I have tried Epic and Epic Flash in recent two years, the performance is good but the feel is harsh. I hope this time the Mavirik is able to make the difference.
Callaway Mavrik driver review !~Part II
Callaway Mavrik driver review /!~Part III