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動作調整的首要任務/How to work out your golf swing!~下集

動作調整的首要任務/How to work out your golf swing!

動作調整的首要任務/How to work out your golf swing!~上集


因為訂製球桿,所以都會觀察球友的測試和球友的揮桿影片,分析多了也就瞭解多數人的問題和普遍狀況。主要的問題都在“動作缺乏效率”!我不去討論動作對錯或正確與否。就效率而言,你如果over swing,你的桿子就會太早彈力釋放。也就是沒有利用到球桿的輔助和效力。



好!如何減化,第一步就是減化你的上桿幅度。多數人都會over swing,為什麼?因為覺得不上到頂點就沒有力量,速度就發揮不出來。其實不是!over swing 很大一部分是因為球桿給你的負擔,導致你需要把桿子上過頭,或上到頂,讓桿子的重量可以放在你的身上。如果你上一半或3/4是,你的手臂需要有一定的力量來支撐球桿,所以打球要鍛鍊也是在此。



In order to make your swing efficiency, you need to make your swing simple and do not make over swing. If you swing over, it makes your golf club unloading too fast before the striking the ball. Based on the swing efficiency, your swing needs to be accurate with right body rotation in order to generate the maximum power.

By doing so, you grip the club needed to be solid. Therefore, the grip size is key. If you use palm to grip the golf club, it's better to use midsize or oversize grip for solid gripping. Standard grip size won't fit most of golfers palm gripping. The other importance is to make the whole swing simplified. How to make it work?

You have to control your body's center of gravity within small moving. Most of average golfers move the body of center gravity too much and result in unabling to strike accurately. The ball is going to flight left or right sides. To strike the sweet spot of club face is extremely important, by controlling the body it's related to help you get that mission.

To make the swing efficient you need to make your back swing to be simplified without over swing. Trying to make your upswing to half, it will enforce you to use the more body rotation in order to generate more power and speed. You will know which part of your body is not strong or needs to improve.

Thus you need to build your strong body in order to swing efficiency, that's why you need to work out and build strong body. If you can't make it work, you need to customize your golf clubs. The golf clubs need to be light and easy for you to swing then your body is able to rotate smoothly.

Do not make the swing complicate. That's why we are always struggling on the swing. There are many ways to help you build the right golf swing, but the key is to make it simple and efficient. If your swing is not based on that, you will not get the best result and consistency.




