![Fujikura Ventus TR Blue 5S review 測評! Fujikura Ventus TR Blue 5S review 測評!](https://peargolf.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/400xY/img_6196_1.jpeg)
Fujikura Ventus TR Blue 5S review 測評!~上集
TR Blue的好處是它的手感真的棒!它的手感和我另一支Fujikura Speeder TR非常類似。幾乎一樣!手感很紮實,擊球感如同棍子的拉抽感。你可以感覺到你擊球的擠壓效果和回饋,只有一個字可以形容,就是“爽”!樂趣是是滿分。不過你是感覺不出來,桿身的折點,因為桿身半身的強度很高,它會幫你擊球。非常舒服和好玩。
而球速快也是TR blue的招牌,從材質和技術的提升下,用這款桿身你可以享受到球速極限化,同時飛的狗遠,可以看到球在飛行的尾端會再噴一小段。飛行的距離明顯比先前的veylix要更好。落地的滾動效果也不錯,可以有至少30碼,所以這隻打下來都可以穩定260碼,失擊的距離損失也比較好,約在20碼內。
側旋的壓制力上我覺得就還好,因為這桿子我覺得打起來就比較容易有slice但都不會太大,之前的Veylix Manson也可以讓一些失誤給控制在可接受範圍,而TR blue也是差不多。這點對於這2款同級桿身來說,都是大同小異。可能這桿身的操控上我個人覺得對我使用還是有一些難點,相較於Paradym,Rogue ST我都是設定44“長度,我會更容易去操控。失誤的比例也相對少很多!
我個人覺得打了很多桿身,比較對我個人的感覺喜好就是Fujikura。因為它的回饋是讓你可以覺得好玩、會一球接一球的打下去。那樣的回饋會讓你上癮,不知不覺就打了10幾顆球。配合上它的擊球效果,飛行的球速,讓你停不下來。我想我這幾年應該都是Ventus TR的鐵粉了。因為你要找這樣性價比高的桿身真的不多。
這樣的桿身也是打趴一堆貴的不知道好在哪的高價產品。你的眼睛和手都是最好的見證,不是貴就是好,因為以前你不懂就算了,現在高碳布材質基本所有一線桿身廠都在用,東西好壞一翻兩瞪眼。Ventus系列是我個人覺得都比他們Fujikura Speeder系列要更好用,價格還比較便宜。我以前都用它們Speeder,但現在就是Ventus TR就夠了!
Without the back weight, the ball becomes bullet, the speed is so fast with low spin rate. My eyes are barely caught the ball movement. I am crazy about its performance and you couldn't stop playing it. My other killer is Titleist TSR2 with Ventus TR black 5S, these two drivers are my driver lineup for 2023.
Regarding the feedback from TR blue 5S, it's so smooth during the downswing, contacting and releasing. You would not feel too much kick from the shaft as the tip section is firmed without having too much vibration. You can feel your power is pouring to the shaft and it reacts smoothly to strike. The feel is amazing.
This feel is the same as Fujikura Speeder TR shaft. Speeder TR is one of my favor shafts. It's performance driven but the feel is great for addiction. The other good feel is that during the impact, you are able to squeeze the ball. It's the way you are interacting with the ball and know exactly where you strike!
The trajectory is mid with penetrating ball fly. I really like such ball movement that would give you over 30 yards rolling with landing angle below 50 degrees. My carry distance is on the range of 235 yards +- 5 yards and impressive rolling over 30 yards. As a result the overall distance is 260 yards with my expectation.
The Ventus TR is launched late 2022, the shafts are really performance driven for golfers who like to get more distance with low spin rate. I do not know the retail/OEM ventus shaft feel but if you are asking the distance and ball speed, Ventus TR is the one you should try. I would not recommend other luxury Japan shaft brands, since the price performance ratio is damn low. How about your 2023 gear preparation?