揮桿動作上,因為每個人的身體狀態不同,但都有一個問題就是身體肌肉強度和伸展性不足,導致動作的過程,產生很多多餘且沒有效率的動作來。比如over swing/上桿過頭,下桿側移、或握桿強勢等。這些問題和姿勢,都代表你的身體強度和韌性不足,才無法做到和選手那樣的表現。
控制好身體重心才能提升擊球精準度/Striking accuracy needs to control your body moving!~下集
Due to clubfitting, I have to analyze golfers' swing and discuss with them for the possible new club specification and recommendations. I have been seeing many golf swings from them and would like to share something in common and some suggestions I provide for them. If you think it's workable, you can try it and work out your swing problems.
With the golf swing, everyone has different body, condition and power. However, most of average golfers' common issues are not flexible and strong of their bodies to handle the golf clubs they have. It makes your body needs to be over swing in order to reduce the loading from the golf club. That's why there are some common swing issues such as gripping too aggressive, body moving too much on down swing and over swing.
Well, we are average golfers and don't have too much time on work out and drills. But at least we need to work out some swing issues to make the whole swing more efficiency and productivity. Thus there are two cores for us to improve and work hard, one is stretching your body and the other is build the core muscles of your body.
It takes time to build it but we do not need to rush it or push hard for that. You can use golf clubs to help you work out the swing issues but the key is yourself and your body needed to be improved. Let us look at the over swing, since your arms and shoulder are not strong enough to handle the golf clubs on half swing or 3 quarter swing. It needs strong arms, shoulder and back muscle to support such back swing.
That's why you need to build strong lower body and upper body to handle the golf club and swing correctly. When you build your strong body to generate better power and speed, you can easily to swing nicely and easily. Solid lower body will help you control the body of gravity without moving too much during the up and down swing. With that, you can strike at the right spot and right time!
Striking accuracy needs to control your body moving!~Part II