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個人揮桿動作何錯之有,關鍵在你套用什麼標準/There is no right or wrong on your swing?~上集

個人揮桿動作何錯之有,關鍵在你套用什麼標準/There is no right or wrong on your swing?






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個人揮桿動作何錯之有,關鍵在你套用什麼標準/There is no right or wrong on your swing?~下集

Golf swing is tough and makes every golfers struggle all the time. You can work out the swing issue by your own or check with swing coach, but the problems keep coming out in different stage of your golf life. Of course, I have been gone through all kinds of issues and challenges with almost 20 years golf career. I realize that everyone is different, your swing can be different with others in details but the core of swing rotation is key and need to be built on this fundamental.

When I check golfer's swing, I put away of my personal preference and standard. Finding the strengths and personal advantages from the swing is the key for clubfitters then you are able to explain and allow golfer to know him/herself. Golf swing is the total results of a body operation and thinking. You need to find hard to get what you would like to get for the result and performance. There is no short cut and no right or wrong.

The clubfitter needs to explain golfer's swing pros and cons based on the solid fundamental and dynamics. It's not a complex idea for people to figure out, once you know the problem, you can find your own way to work out the issues. You can play like pros but you must dedicate your time and money on the time and gears. The personal golf clubs are the key for you to get your swing better.

With out personal golf clubs, you will spend more time to build your own swing. Since personal clubs can help you swing easier, and focus on building the swing accuracy. If the clubs are not fit you, your swing and body are hard to operate with your ideal way. It's all about the productivity and efficiency in this case! You can spend couple years to build the swing or spend over 10 years on swing but still in struggling.

Once your clubs are fit you, your body would be easier to generate the power, that's why you will build the swing easily and swing faster. But if you stick on your current clubs for years, you will need to work with your clubs without speed up your power in down swing. That's why your swing is struggling since the clubs make you unable to do your own way.

There is no right or wrong on your swing?~Part II




