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Mizuno Pro 225 鐵桿!~下集

Mizuno Pro 225 鐵桿!

Mizuno Pro 225 鐵桿!~中集


必須要特別要求自己在下桿時,刻意去帶桿頭下去,不能順勢讓桿身帶下去。T200和M5可以,但Pro 225就完全不行,因為會吃球比較薄。以桿面重心來看,Pro 225會稍微高一些,但也都在半mm左右。可是就是很難吃到甜蜜點,這個狀況在下場會比較好,因為練習場的擊球時在墊子上,球場的草可以吃下去。所以這套桿子最好在真草上打會得到比較好的效果和手感,


我個人覺得,在鐵桿這塊上,美系大廠在對技術和科技的運用上,比日系品牌要更好和全面。Pro 225的桿頭技術說實在,不是什麼多新或屌的東西。對於現在球桿的易打和效能為王道時代,這樣的產品很容易被比下去。當然動作和技術好的球友對這類產品使用絕對不是問題。但對一般球友想有一套好看和好用的鐵桿,Mizuno就很容易被比下去。

至少我有另外2套的鐵桿做為對照比較組,是非常顯而易見的結果。就算Pro 225打到甜蜜點也沒有T200那種紮實度,擠壓球的彈性效果,也沒有M5那種易打和桿面特性。相較下,我不會很自虐的去打Pro 225,好看卻不好用的桿子我是不會去打。當然我會再去調整這套桿子的設定,但對於手感上的改變是非常有限。


When I play Pro 225 iron set, it needs to make your swing smooth and lead the iron head through the striking. It's not like T200 and M5 that can automatically help you hit the ball without problem. Pro 225 always hit on the top of the ball. I am using the same shaft for T200, M5 and Pro 225, therefore, it tells me Pro 225 is not as forgiving as others.

On the other hand, the ball speed is identically fast and low spin. The ball rolling can be over 15 yards, it's not good for iron when you the ball lands on the green but rolls over it. However, it's good weapon when you play during the fall and winter with windy weather. This iron would not let you down for the distance.

Nowadays the irons must be forgiving, easy to control/play and good performance. Since I have a number of irons to compare and set similar specification to show the differentiation, the result is obvious that Pro 225 is good on performance but the overall forgiving and control are far behind than other American peers.

Titleist T200 iron has great impact feel and performance, the average golf can easily pick up without difficulty. I was impressive on its striking feel with solid feedback. You can feel you eat the ball and ball bounce to the air. M5 is more forgiving that you just need to make you the iron face to contact the ball, then the iron will work out all the issues.

We are talking about the irons that can be operated simply and easily for average golfers instead of single handicappers. Japanese brands have the difficulty on making the products with easy to use and forgiving. I have no doubt on the design and appearance of Pro 225 but other brands can strike out Pro 225 through other features. That's why I am very disappointed with Pro 225!




