木桿設計的2大族群:全鈦合金、複合式碳纖維/Composite or metal woods!上集
1. 高容錯: 很多球友會說,金屬桿頭容錯也不錯。這是對的,當你用近3年的碳纖維桿頭產品,就會感覺確實不一樣。非甜蜜點的結果真的不會偏太多,以前碳纖維桿頭會有不穩定或擊球產生過多的側旋和倒旋。但現在的複合式桿頭把這個問題都解決差不多,非甜蜜點的擊球結果和甜蜜點是差不多。如果你的擊球精準度低於50%,這個功能就非常重要。
2. 易打性: 碳纖維桿頭的重量重新設定和分布,可以讓桿頭在使用上變的更加好控制和提升桿頭速度。同樣用鈦合金桿頭,比較後,在揮桿過程會需要過多的力量去操控球桿和桿頭的路徑。這是我個人得到的最重要結果,如果你用球桿經驗不多,很難體會出來。同時要能調整球桿去比較球桿特性差異。
3. 桿頭變化和顏色也比較多元和豐富: 以Callaway的木桿來說,它的桿頭變化,尤其在外型和顏色上的變化是很明顯。Taylormade的設計就大同小異,差不多就長那樣。但它們會出很多客制款的顏色,讓球友可以選喜歡的顏色。這也是我固定每年都買Callaway的木桿來玩,二來我也是Callaway的訂製師,對產品的熟悉度和取得也相對容易。
木桿設計的2大族群:全鈦合金、複合式碳纖維/Composite or metal woods!下集
Let's talk about the composite drivers, in recent 10 years' development and products, it's obviously the progress for composite woods. The products become more mature and some of the problems got improved sharply and now I can't play the metal due to the composite is better performance and play. Here are some features and advantages for composite woods.
1. forgiving - I think golfers would say the metal woods have the same feature, I agree so. But if you play recent 3 years' Callaway and Taylormade drivers, you can feel things are really different and it's forgiving for average golfers. Particularly the off sweet spot is still good on the distance. If your striking accuracy is below 50%, I think you are able to benefit from it.
The old composite drivers generates more spin rate and side spin, if your swing has the mistake, you can see from the result clearly. But nowadays composite drivers can make the impact as small as possible. That's how you can get the confidence from the cutting edge equipment.
2. easy to play and control - the composite head is able to distribute the weight more concentrating on the specific spots and make the head easier for golfers to swing, manage the golf club. In short, it can help you swing fast during the down swing. Compared with metal head with the same size and weight, it's hard for golfers to handle the golf club during the whole swing.
You need to play various drivers in order to feel the differentiations and have the ability to reset and fine tuning the specification of the driver.
3. more colorful and features for golfers to customize - You can go to Callaway and Taylormade website to see there are lots of customization for the driver head, you can build your own driver with more color selections and weights adjustment. Callaway driver heads are changed significantly every year and that's why I love to purchase Callaway's new driver annually. You can explore more surprise from the new technologies and features.
That's why I can't go back to metal woods since composite drivers make me better and easier for golf. I find no reason to switch back. Distance is key and now I can drive the ball long easier than metal. More importantly, the mistake from my swing, the damage is still acceptable.
Composite or metal woods!Part III