Nike Roche G golf shoes review/使用心得!~上集
我實際在100度的大太陽下穿下場的感覺是,走起來還不錯,最明顯的感想是輕量化,非常好走,對腳的負擔超小。同時也很透氣,4個小時下來腳沒有什麼流汗。相較之前用adipower,整個襪子都是濕的。Roche G都不會很濕。在通風表現上是無懈可擊。也做到它要給球友的最佳功能。非常適合在高溫夏天裡使用。至少你的腳底是比較舒服!
I feel great when I wear it during the 100 degree temperature. My feet don't feel anything loading for the shoes since it's light and you can wear it for over 4 hours without difficulty or uncomfortable. The breathing ability is another advantage. When I go home to take off the sox, it's completely dried. That's why I feel so comfortable for the shoes.
Regarding the gripping, for most of times I have no problem on this part, but there is one time I slip the right foot during the weight switching in downswing. I think the sole doesn't grip the grass solidly due to my swing mistake. That's matched my assumption since such design is unable to hold your body solidly when your power and speed are fast.
The fast swing speed means your power generation is huge from the lower body. If the shoes sole can't hold it well during the downswing, the golfers will feel unsecured to generate the maximum power during the downswing. I do not have such problem by using other golf shoes such as Adidas, New Balance and Ecco. At least the sole design is good to allow me drive the power without problem.
I think I will look for other golf shoes with mesh design for breathing ability. I like the outer layer mesh design with comfortable and dry. For Roche G, I will use it in my regular time as the sneaker. For golfing, I can't take the chance to wear that for slipping. It's kind of disappointing with the sole design.
Nike is good on marketing and brand image, but I barely buy the Nike shoes for golf. Since it's not really good on practical usage with limited features. With the price point, there are other better design golf shoes with lower price to consider. I am a practical person that always looks for the product with better quality, functionality and pricing. Hoping to get other mesh design shoes in this year!