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Taylormade SIM, SIM MAX 木桿小試/TM SIM/SIM Max driver review!~上集

Taylormade SIM, SIM MAX 木桿小試/TM SIM/SIM Max driver review!

這次在PGA的outdoor和indoor會場裡都測試了2020新款TM最新木桿SIM/SIM Max兩款。因為這次Taylormade沒有參加PGA展覽,所以這幾天測試的木桿都是一些桿身廠他們自行配置的桿身。比如Tour AD, KBS、Nippon Shaft等桿身配置。當然這就如同訂製產品的效果,不是原廠所配置的規格和桿身。


因為在美國這邊測試的桿身大多都是60、70g等級的重量,所以對我來說,使用起來就偏重和硬。對於擊球的感覺就很硬。當然我要求桿身業務幫我換上50g R和S硬度桿身後,手感上就改變和友善多了。這也是要去測試比較適合自己揮桿速度,和桿身會更容易得到最好的結果和手感。


首先,對於用60g和70g桿身的使用感受和效果。打起來的感受偏硬,但擊球的球速快,倒旋少。這點在室內打,配有launch monitor是可以看到的差異。畢竟沒有足夠的速度和力量,是很難產生桿身物理變化。而倒旋量就是一個重點。當然在室外看到球速和落地的效果也是瞭解倒旋量一個方式。


Taylormade SIM, SIM MAX 木桿小試/TM SIM/SIM Max driver review!~中集

Taylormade SIM, SIM MAX 木桿小試/TM SIM/SIM Max driver review!~下集

In the beginning of 2020, I have tried Taylormade SIM drivers in Orando PGA shows. Although this time Taylormade doesn't participate the show, there are some shaft companies such as KBS, Nippon shaft and tour AD to fit with SIM /SIM MAX for demos. I play it with various combo in both demo day and trade show's indoor testing area. Below is the review and experience I gain for SIM/SIM Max drivers.

First of all, the new SIM/SIM MAX is highly similar with last year M6 driver. It's no only the appearance but also the technologies. I would say over 80% of similarity with M6 driver and should be the advanced version for M6. Of course, it's using more carbon fiber composite and the MOI and weight distribution are higher than before. I would say it's better and mature head design than TM driver heads ever. That's the core advantage for new SIM/SIM Max drivers.

I have been trying SIM/SIM MAX with shaft weights from 60g and 70g and also couple of 50g shafts to see the true performance of the SIM driver heads. To me, 50g shaft with SIM/SIM MAX drivers is the best fit for my swing. It's not only the best performance but the greatest impact feel from the heads. It fits my experience of my M6 combos.

The outdoor demo days in chill and windy condition, if the ball is hard compression, it makes the impact and control harder for handling SIM/SIM MAX drivers. Particularly playing 60g and 70g shafts it is unable to have enough shaft loading and unloading for the best performance. The club face feedbacks would be hard in impact. That's why clubfitting is critical to get the best driver performance and impact feel.

In short, SIM/SIM MAX driver heads are highly selected shaft profile for the golfers with right fitting. If the shaft and driver specification are not corrected or fitted, the golfers would not get the best result of SIM driver heads.

The advantages of SIM/SIM MAX are low spin rate, fast ball speed, quick ball respending and reducing side spin (forgiving). It's good for average golfers to gain the distance and allow yourself to have mis shots. I could get the whole ball flight and rolling in outdoor clearly with SIM performances.

/TM SIM/SIM Max driver review!~Part II

TM SIM/SIM Max driver review!~Part III




