Titleist T200 iron review/測試!~上集
再說到桿身的回饋,2支都是一樣的桿身款式,只有硬度有不同。我從以前打Matrix Program鐵桿桿身都測過不同的硬度和重量,桿身的回饋基本都是一樣。感覺不出來硬度的差別。這次也是特別訂2個不同硬度,打起來還是一樣。感覺都是無法知道R和S是哪一支。我對產品的感覺是比較敏感,但打Red 85是都感覺不出差別。而且我裁減前端是明顯有差異。但結果感覺還是一樣。
Red 85的桿身也是很舒服。它不像日系桿身有比較明顯的桿身彈性或踢的感覺。它和之前的Matrix性能桿身的回饋設計是差不多。我可以明顯感覺到桿身的中段有受力彎曲,但沒有明顯釋放反彈。就是很順暢。對於揮桿速度不快的球友,這樣的桿身反饋比較簡單,也不需要去算桿身的彈力。什麼位置、時間點、和彈的大小。就是把力量灌下去,桿身自然會處理擊球。
Titleist T200 iron review/測試!~下集
I used to play the new irons on driving range and each iron hits 5 ball then switch to the other one to check the performance and feel. Once I have basic idea of the new irons, I play in golf courses to see how it performs with the golf balls, fairway and greens. M5 and T200 are very easy to me to handle and swing. There is no difficulty to manage these 2 irons.
M5 is easier to swing since the head weight is lighter than T200 and T200 is good for golfers who like to work the ball. I think the length can be shorter for controlling and swing speed is fast or smooth fast golfers. The grips on T200 and M5 are all good for me to work with rubber material and soft feel to handle the irons.
M5 is pocket back design that has face and half cavity back body. I like the feel for M5 with striking and bouncing feedback. The impact is whole face but T200 is able to identify the spot of the face. I would say the T200 impact is more compressing feel with the golf ball, there is no good or bad but for me I like both. You can enjoy the striking with two kinds of impact feels.
Regarding the shaft, I fit with LAGP AXS Red 85 iron shaft, but load R and S for M5 and T200. Why? I would like to feel the difference between R and S in practical play. Of course I adjust the tipping with various length to make the flex become similar. Practically it really can't feel the difference on R and S. but the Stiff flex is more penetrating on ball fly and ball speed.
That's the way to tell me the ball is flying more efficiently. The spin rate is lower than R flex M5 combo. It's hard to feel the shaft vibration during the swing. It's unlike Japanese carbon shafts with more kicking feel on releasing. Nowadays the iron shaft is embedded with strong carbon fiber sheet that is changed the way of graphite shaft loading and unloading the power during the swing.
Titleist T200 iron review/測試!~下集