我的準度、技巧和穩定性提升的任務/Working on improving accuracy and consistency!~上集http://www.peargolf.com/article/wodezhundu%E3%80%81jiqiaohewendingxingtishengderenwuworking-improving-accuracy-and-consistency%EF%BC%81shang
另外也會更解放自己在一些球路上的進攻。打更多的球路去得到更好的結果。當然這也伴隨著風險,不過沒有這些經驗,就無法讓自己技術能力升級。 比如打更多的低飛球,用小號的桿子來打短距離。控制過多的身體動作來掌握距離等。也就是說,讓自己的動作速度放慢,可以更容易去掌握擊球的效果!
As a result, I have set the plan for the golf clubs to make my striking more consistency and accuracy. The next is to improve my playing tempo and pre-shot routine. I have been changing these two parts for couple times in my past 2 decades. There is no right answer for you or me, it's very personal work that you have to try the best solution for yourself.
On the strategy, I will have to make the play more wider and flexible. For example, I have to make my trajectory low for controlling the distance. To control my body swing in order to manage the distance on the same golf club. It's the way I drive the ball low with small golf club for limited distance. It's hard but works on me.
The other thing is the metal, since NYC golf courses are more challenging on the accuracy with narrow fairway and smaller turret style green. A small mistake will get you a big problem. Therefore, trying to make the shot is reasonable and workable for me instead of doing something hard and unable to make.
In short, try to get out the problem first instead of shooting to the green. We all watch many golf tournaments and we do not have the ability and skills like pros, when the ball is on the rough, just try to get it out to the fairway as the core mission that is the most practical thing for average golfers. I have been failing too many times for shooting to the green.
With above strategies, solutions and plans, I believe I am able to face the golf courses in NYC and long island. It will help me gain better on accuracy and consistency of my shot. It's always fun for me to improve my problems then get advanced later for the new level. How about you?