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練習場雜談/Driving range gossip !~下集

練習場雜談/Driving range gossip !~下集

練習場雜談/Driving range gossip !~上集








練習場對我來說是最好的個人時間。有時候壓力大、工作或家庭煩,就會到練習場放鬆一下。 享受戶外的開拓感,心情就可以調整好。人太多或人多的時段我會避開。因為練球需要專心和一氣呵成。我享受在練習場的時間,也最愛練習場。不管它有什麼問題或缺點,這就是練習場!

I don't like the people who want to use his swing to fit on me. They do not have PGA coaching license to teach and they do not work with driving range for providing the service to golfers. They just try to fish and get the golfer's interest to learn the golf swing.

I have got couple experiences of fine tuning on my swing by these people then I screwed up my own swing and took me couple weeks to get back my own swing. Their way is only working on themselves and everyone is different that needs to have specific approach or technique to build the swing. Their swings are not built on scientific and human dynamic, that's why they do not have good stories and golfers to follow.

The driving bar or restaurant is important for driving range as it's always good to sit down and get rest for the outdoor excise. You can have chat with your golf buddies in the restaurant and enjoy the half day free to socialize your golf network.

Golf Pro shop is also important feature for driving range. We can always check the latest golf clubs and accessories. I used to try out the new gears through pro shop in driving range, after I addicted the custom clubs, I was no longer to follow the trend of the golf clubs. It's good to build the knowledge about the golf stuff through pro shop and they will always provide you some tips and knowledge to learn.

The last thing I would like to mention is the range ball in driving range。 It is so bad! In some popular driving range, their range balls are cracked. You are barely to identify the logos, the dimple is eaten out and the ball flights unstable. It's the range ball we are playing. As a result, just working on your swing and don't take serious on the performance, distance and trajectory. Since the balls you are playing in golf course is total different with the range balls in driving range.

I like driving range and enjoy my time in there. I can release my stress, do excise and relax of myself. You can see the trees, grass and sky in driving range. That really matter for the modern golfers. There are many negative sides, but I still like to play in driving range because it's the place I can have myself and enjoy my own time.




